Baetz, Joel
Non-compliance" in the system: Bitch Planet's satirical representations of race and gender constructs "
This thesis examines how co-creators Kelly Sue DeConnick and Valentine De Landro's 2014 graphic work, Bitch Planet, is in all conceivable ways a seminal and prescient example of — to use their term — "non-compliance" in the comics form and industry. From its inception as a feminist dystopia, written by a white woman and illustrated by a Black man, in an industry that is over-represented by white men, Bitch Planet is a prime example of activist comics that is situated perfectly within the "Blue Age" of comics, to use the term coined by comic scholar Adrienne Resha. This is evident in the main narrative of Bitch Planet in which, in an industry still over-represented by white characters, the main cast of characters are four Black women and one Japanese-American woman, each of whom we see come up against a theologically patriarchal white supremacist system that imprisons them for crimes that are gendered, racialized, classist and ableist. DeConnick and De Landro's collaboration with other artists extends from Laurenn McCubbin's satirical paratextual in-universe advertisements on the back page of each comic which complement Bitch Planet's main narrative to an invitation to world- building to the greater comic community, allowing creators with marginalized identities to craft short comic stories that satirically and deeply explore the socio-political issues developed in the main narrative of Bitch Planet. The final act of "non-compliance" comes out of the expansion of authorship of Bitch Planet to the readership via the letters pages, and beyond: highlighting readers' Twitter messages, connecting with them through Tumblr, and posting pictures of fan "non-compliant" tattoos within the pages of Bitch Planet.
Author Keywords: Bitch Planet, comics, critical race studies, dystopia , gender studies, intersectional feminism
Using the Same Language, but Meaning Different Things: A Textual Investigation of the Shared Rhetorics of the National and Poetic Narratives of First World War Britain
Two dominant narratives emerging throughout the war were the national narrative––that is, the narrative of the war as articulated by the British nation via texts such as political speeches, recruitment posters, and popular music–– and the poetic narrative––that is, the narrative of the war emerging from poets, specifically battlefront poets for the sake of this thesis. One hundred years since World War One, these two narratives are often conceptualized as mutually exclusive, even antithetical to one another. This thesis brings these diverse narratives into conversation with one another by investigating how they both draw on the same rhetorics and yet use these rhetorics to differing ends. Interestingly, the rhetorics employed by both narratives throughout the war endure in contemporary remembrance practices in Britain today. By investigating how each narrative draws on and employs the same rhetorics, this thesis both contextualizes and complexifies contemporary interpretations of contemporary remembrance practices.
Author Keywords: Battlefront Poetry , Britain, Narrative, Remembrance, Rhetoric, World War One