Holdsworth, David

The Art of the Sustainable Street

Creator (cre): Mutton, Miriam, Thesis advisor (ths): Holdsworth, David, Degree committee member (dgc): Whillans, Tom, Degree committee member (dgc): Wurtele, Susan, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University


The Art of the Sustainable Street

Miriam L. R. Mutton

The street influences our sense of community every day. It is argued that getting the street right communicates a collective vision for action leading to sustainable community.

This investigation continues conversations for community repair and resilient change, especially for small town Ontario. The researcher is informed by ways of seeing inspired by Walter Benjamin's literary montage, The Arcades Project. By method of collecting and connecting information from literature sources spanning several decades and recent interviews, this thesis demonstrates in narrative form the value to community of everyday street details of human scale. Recurrent themes are adopted as technique in validation. Findings are presented from various perspectives including those of the design professional and the politician.

The sustainable street enables communication. Research outcomes indicate knowledge transferred through the art of storytelling supports place-making and connection to community. Fragments of information connect into themes defining safe streets which foster trust among strangers, and facilitate citizenship and good governance.

Key words: sustainable community, citizenship, safe streets, Benjamin, governance

Author Keywords: Benjamin, citizenship, governance, safe streets, sustainable community


Motivating Policy Responses to Climate Change: A Case Study of The City of Vancouver's Climate Change Adaptation Strategy

Creator (cre): Fralin, Sara, Thesis advisor (ths): Hill, Stephen, Degree committee member (dgc): Holdsworth, David, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University

This research investigates urban climate governance through a case study of climate change adaptation policy making in the Canadian municipality of Vancouver, British Columbia (BC). It investigates the context in which the City of Vancouver was motivated to develop its climate change adaptation strategy (CCAS) by exploring the motivating factors and drivers behind the formulation of this plan. The research approach involved content analysis of policy documents underlying the CCAS as well as interviews with key politicians and policy makers familiar with the strategy. I conceptualize the development of the CCAS using Kingdon's Multiple Streams Framework, leading me to conclude that the convergence of three streams, namely: 1) knowledge of local climate change impacts and their cost to city assets, 2) political leadership and 3) green policy coordination in the City of Vancouver, created an opportunity that was seized upon by policy champions to address adaptation.

Author Keywords: adapting cities to climate change, climate change adaptation policy, climate change adaptation policy formulation, local climate governance, municipal adaptation plan, urban climate governance


The Scientificity of Psychology and the Categorical Paradigm of Mental Illness: A Critique of the History of Clinical Depression and Antidepressants

Creator (cre): Gilbert, Shaun Justin, Thesis advisor (ths): Holdsworth, David, Degree committee member (dgc): Coughlan, Rory, Degree committee member (dgc): Bleasdale, Fraser, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University

There is little research devoted to exploring psychology's historical and discursive development. Psychological knowledge is generally presented as the contributions of individuals, but without context. The social, political, and economic aspects of psychology's development are scarcely discussed, including how the discipline came to be considered a science. This thesis project explored the history of the development of psychology. Specifically, psychology's claim to scientificity via the appropriation of the medical model of disease, and accordingly, the instantiation of the categorical paradigm of mental illness were examined. The discontinuous events that shaped psychology and its hallmark of scientificity were explored, including extensive concept transformations, political agendas, and marketing strategies. These practices were then explored in a practical way using the conception of clinical depression and the role of antidepressants as the first-line treatment for depression in the USA. This exploration revealed psychology's socio-historical contingencies and its agenda of prediction and control.

Author Keywords: Categorical Paradigm, Concept Transformations, Historicity, Knowledge Products, Psychology, Scientificity



Creator (cre): Rejak, Adam, Thesis advisor (ths): Holdsworth, David, Degree committee member (dgc): Norlock, Kathryn, Degree committee member (dgc): Angelova, Emilia, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University


The Ethics of Being-With: Exploring Ethics in Heidegger's Being and Time

Adam Rejak

Martin Heidegger is perhaps best known for his work Being and Time, in which he tries to re-discover what he deems to be a forgotten question; the meaning of being. However, what many have missed in this work is the ethical potential it presents, particularly through his notion of Mitsein. This thesis will discuss how the history of philosophy has misunderstood the question of intersubjectivity. Throughout the history of philosophy, there has been a tendency to focus on detachment of the subject, rather than an engaged existence. Heidegger overcomes this by introducing the concept of Mitsein and allowing us to think of being-with one another as something which is integral to our very being, rather than something which comes to us through detached reflection. The consequences of this re-interpretation are significant for ethics because our starting point is always-already with others, rather than isolated and alone.

Author Keywords: Being-with, Ethics, Heidegger, Intersubjectivity, Mitsein


The Transcendental Turn: Kant's Critical Philosophy, Contemporary Theory, And Popular Culture

Creator (cre): Mitchell, Kevin Michael, Thesis advisor (ths): O'Connor, Alan, Degree committee member (dgc): Holdsworth, David, Degree committee member (dgc): Mitchell, Liam, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University

This dissertation traces the concept of transcendentalism from Kant's Critique of Pure Reason (1781) to Michel Foucault's historical a priori and Pierre Bourdieu's field and habitus, with implicit reference to Deleuze's `transcendental empiricism,' and the influence this trajectory has had on contemporary theory and culture. This general conceptual framework is used as the basis for a critical analysis of a series of examples taken from popular culture to highlight their transcendental conditions of possibility and the influence this conceptual paradigm has had on today's theory. The examples include the NFL `concussion crisis,' South Park's problematization of the discourse surrounding it, as well as the literature of Charles Bukowski, as an exemplification of an immanent writer-written situation. It is further suggested that, not only is transcendentalism an epistemological framework for thought, but it also doubles as an ontological principle for the emergence of a constitutively incomplete and unfinished reality.

Author Keywords: Bukowski, Concussion, Foucault, Kant, South Park, transcendental


All Things Fusible: Media, Science, and Mythology in the Fiction of Neal Stephenson

Creator (cre): Ingwersen, Moritz Andree, Thesis advisor (ths): Hollinger, Veronica, Thesis advisor (ths): Berressem, Hanjo, Degree committee member (dgc): Junyk, Ihor, Degree committee member (dgc): Holdsworth, David, Degree committee member (dgc): Pethes, Nicolas, Degree committee member (dgc): Milburn, Colin, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University

This dissertation presents the work of the American science fiction writer Neal Stephenson as a case study of mediations between literature and science by mobilizing its resonances with contemporary science studies and media theory. Tracing the historical and thematic trajectory of his consecutively published novels Snow Crash (1992), The Diamond Age; or, A Young Lady's Illustrated Primer (1995), Cryptonomicon (1999), Quicksilver: The Baroque Cycle I (2003), The Confusion: The Baroque Cycle II (2004), and The System of the World: The Baroque Cycle III (2004), it approaches Stephenson's fiction as an archaeology of the deep history of science that leads from late twentieth-century cyberculture, to world-war-two cryptography, and the seventeenth-century rise of the Royal Society. Refracted through a parallel reading of Stephenson's novels and the theoretical work of Michel Serres, Bruno Latour, Friedrich A. Kittler, Isabelle Stengers, Donna Haraway, and others, this dissertation offers a literary discussion of the relations among cybernetics, complexity theory, information theory, systems theory, Leibnizian metaphysics, and Newtonian alchemy. Recognizing these hybrid fields as central to contemporary dialogues between the natural sciences and the humanities, Stephenson's work is shown to exhibit a consistent engagement with the feedback loops among physical, artistic, narratological, and epistemological processes of innovation and emergence. Through his portrayal of hackers, mathematicians, natural philosophers, alchemists, vagabonds, and couriers as permutations of trickster figures, this dissertation advances a generalized notion of boundary transgressions and media infrastructures to illustrate how newness emerges by way of the turbulent con-fusion of disciplines, genres, knowledge systems, historical linearities, and physical environments. Uninterested in rigid genre boundaries, Stephenson's novels are explored through the links among artistic modes that range from cyberpunk, to hard science fiction, historiographic metafiction, the carnivalesque, and the baroque. In a metabolization of the work performed by science studies, Stephenson's fiction foregrounds that scientific practice is always intimately entangled in narrative, politics, metaphor, myth, and the circulation of a multiplicity of human and nonhuman agents. As the first sustained analysis of this segment of Stephenson's work, this dissertation offers a contribution to both science fiction studies and the wider field of literature and science.

Author Keywords: Complexity Theory, Cyberpunk, Michel Serres, Neal Stephenson, Science Fiction, Science Studies


Civic Agriculture: a means to, and an expression of, social sustainability? A conceptual exploration and defense

Creator (cre): McLaughlin, Adam, Thesis advisor (ths): Holdsworth, David, Degree committee member (dgc): Hutchinson, Tom C., Degree committee member (dgc): Rutherford, Stephanie, Degree committee member (dgc): Classens, Michael, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University

This thesis re-imagines the social sustainability of civic agriculture. This entails critically examining the idea of sustainability and exposing why a tendency to undertheorize its social dimension is problematic for how we think about sustainability, and consequently for how we do sustainability. What is demonstrated is that we can overcome this tendency by adopting Stephen McKenzie's understanding of social sustainability as a positive condition and/or process within a community. Once brought into contact with the concept of civic agriculture as presented by Thomas A. Lyson, and expanded upon by others, this broadened understanding of social sustainability reveals that we can think of civic agriculture as both a means to, and an expression of, social sustainability. Specifically, this thesis argues that it is civic agriculture's community problem-solving dimension which animates civic agriculture in such a way that it creates the sort of condition and/or enables the sort of process which reflect aspects associated with a substantive and/or procedural understanding of social sustainability. This re-imagining of the social sustainability of civic agriculture provides ways to defend civic agriculture from its critics and is exemplified by drawing from a personal encounter with civic agriculture. In the end, it is proposed that in light of this research there are now good reasons to re-examine civic agriculture and to critically re-imagine what qualifies who as a civic agriculturalist so that the contextual nature of the social sustainability of civic agriculture can be better respected.

Author Keywords: civic agriculture, community problem solving, local food systems, social sustainability, Stephen McKenzie, Thomas A. Lyson


Visions of the Sedantary "I"/eye: Subjectivation in The Little Prince

Creator (cre): Jiang, YunQi, Thesis advisor (ths): Mitchell, Liam, Degree committee member (dgc): Holdsworth, David, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University

This thesis explores the seemingly innocuous call to "grow up," which is never simply a biological imperative. It is also a moral one. Demanding that one should "grow up" is not demanding that one grow older, but that one transform into a specific kind of subject – the "grown up." In the reading advanced here, The Little Prince thermalizes the suppleness of the figure of the grown up through a series of fantastic encounters. In particular, perception and corporeality will be taken up as the two interlocking ways we are often pushed towards an understanding of adulthood that is coextensive with an Enlightenment conception of subjectivity. Perception, having emerged from a sedimented economy of looking, produces norms and practices of attentiveness where much of our perceptual field is consigned to infrastructural obliviousness. This intensification of attention, in turn, coincides with a broader project of corporeal discipline that began with the body's sedation through the chair. The chair is itself an element of the disciplinary machine that regulates attention, where the pedagogical injunction to "pay attention" is often accompanied by the postural injunction to "settle down" and "sit up straight." The chair, then, not only individuates and renders those individuated bodies docile, but also readies them for an entry into the world of grown-ups.

Author Keywords: Attention, Enlightenment, Maturation, Saint-Exupery, Sedantariness, Subjectivation


Nature without Balance: Ideology in Times of Ecological Crisis

Creator (cre): Leaver, Nicole Isabella, Thesis advisor (ths): Holdsworth, David, Degree committee member (dgc): Rutherford, Stephanie, Degree committee member (dgc): Robertson, Karen, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University

This thesis critically analyses the connection between ideology and nature, and in particular, aims to reflect on the dominant discourses on the topic of ecological crisis. The ecological thought framework that I adhere to rests on a combination of Frankfurt School and Žižekian theories. This combination is not without serious tensions and deviations; however, central to this project are the ways in which their respective works extensively critique ideology, and propose subversive alternatives to and new meanings of how we can conceptualize nature without domination. Dominant ideas and critiques of nature and natural history emerged during the Enlightenment era, and as Adorno argues, fell victim to a "reduction ad hominem," or the claim that in order to free oneself, one must dominate, appropriate, and master nature. I claim that the extreme choices in environmental politics today - namely organic populism on one hand and increased technological intervention on the other - fail to account for the ways 'nature' is a socio-historical construct, and moreover, is situated within a false reality wherein the 'essence of existence' is reduced to technological mastery. What we encounter in this cautionary armoury of paradoxical approaches to nature, then, is the ideological currents of established belief systems. By exposing the illusions within the concept nature, such as the argumentative persuasion that there exists an inherent balance, the elementary cell of ideology reveals itself alongside revolutionary possibilities.

Author Keywords: Crises, Critical Theory, Ideology, Nature, Slavoj Zizek, Theodor Adorno


Understanding the Role of Lived Experience in Community Leaders' Vision and Governance of Economic Development and Sustainability in Rurally Situated Small Cities: An Exploratory Case Study of Peterborough, Ontario

Creator (cre): Teleki, Elizabeth L., Thesis advisor (ths): Skinner, Mark, Degree committee member (dgc): Phillips, Thomas, Degree committee member (dgc): Holdsworth, David, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University

Sustainable development is normative - making decisions in the present that construct the experience of place for the future. It is primarily driven by global measures developed to meet the needs of the present while ensuring future generations can meet their own needs. These measures attempt to balance economic prosperity, social justice, and environmental stewardship in many nations. This attempt to balance a plurality of outcomes creates socio-political tensions in choosing between alternatives. These barriers and tensions are characterized through the neoclassical vision of: economics as a science, utility maximization, and alienation of people. This thesis explores the lived experience of community leaders in Peterborough, Ontario as they navigate a contentious and current debate of where to relocate a casino in the region. The results focus on the tension experienced by community leaders as they seek to balance elements of care, while preserving neoclassical values of growth, individualism, freedom of choice, and interconnectedness. The thesis concludes with a model that works towards an understanding of the role of lived experience in economic development decision-making in rurally situated small cities, and recommendations for further research and policy recommendations.

Author Keywords: economic development, governance, lived experience, small city, sustainable development, vision