Arthur: Volume 12, No. 15

    Item Description
    Author (aut): Hurcomb, P.
    Contributor (ctb): Thomson, R.
    Contributor (ctb): Wackley, R.
    Contributor (ctb): Tench, R.
    Contributor (ctb): Kerr, T.
    Contributor (ctb): Elliot, M.
    Contributor (ctb): Peck, J.
    Contributor (ctb): Dowsell, K.
    Transcriber (trc): Burrell, P.
    Transcriber (trc): Brioux, J.
    Contributor (ctb): German, B.
    Author (aut): Markus, J.
    Author (aut): Peloso, L.
    Author (aut): Ward, D.
    Contributor (ctb): Moore, G.
    Author (aut): De Young, B.
    Author (aut): Scanlon, G.
    Author (aut): Henderson, B.
    Contributor (ctb): Bonzo,
    Author (aut): Moore, G.
    Author (aut): Jackson, R.
    Illustrator (ill): Chlebowski,
    Illustrator (ill): Trout, C.K.
    Date Issued
    Table Of Contents

    This Week's Issue: -- Staff -- Calendar -- Classifieds -- Stipend Unconstitutional? -- Senate Moves Slowly / P. Hurcomb -- Faculty Council: Don't Rock the Boat / B. Henderson -- McClelland & Stewart [Advertisement] -- Zero-Base Budgeting- Go Trent / B. De Young -- Old Vienna [Advertisement] -- Energy: Conservation Vs the Machine Mentality / P. Hurcomb -- Students and the Issues / B. De Young -- McMaster University Faculty of Business [Advertisement] -- Trent Radio Update -- Literacy Testing? -- North House Committee / B. De Young -- Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce [Advertisement] -- Macdonald Commission: R.C.M.P. / G. Moore -- News Shorts -- Conference on Quebec? -- Arthur Changes Numbering System -- 240 Canadians to go to World Youth Festival -- Frisbee Championships -- Letters -- Bonzo -- Free Poetry Riley Tench Artspace [Advertisement] -- The Fashion Institute of Canada [Advertisement] -- Against Our Will: Peterborough Rape Relief / J. Markus -- Late Student Grants Likely -- Kawartha T.V. Stereo -- Counselling and Careers -- Notice of Nominations & Elections of Trent Student Union -- Death and Destruction -- Chinese Return to Admissions Exam for University Spaces / D. Ward -- Roland's Delicatessen Fresh and Smoked Meats [Advertisement] -- Music Review: David Wilcox and Teddy Bears / J. Peck -- Poetry Review: Marc Plourde Reading at Otonabee / L. Peloso -- The History of Rock and Roll: Part Two / R. Jackson -- The Miss Diana Motor Hotel: The Good Brothers [Advertisement] -- Rock and Roll [Cont] -- Burger King [Advertisement] -- Kodiak [Advertisement] -- China [Cont] -- Student Brief on Ministry's OSAP Changes / B. De Young -- RCMP [Advertisement] -- Kawartha T.V. and Stereo [Advertisement] -- Trent Radio -- Rock'n Roll [Cont] -- Sam the Record Man [Advertisement] -- Adventure of an Aging Student [Illustration] -- Arthur Free Poster no. 4 [Illustration] -- Women's Varsity Volleyball Ends / G. Scanlon -- Intramural Hockey -- Roughriders to Enjoy Beaver Food -- Stanley H. Kaplan Educational Center of Toronto Ltd. [Advertisement] -- [Illustration] --

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