
A Cultural History of the Book Cover

Creator (cre): Talibli, Parviz, Thesis advisor (ths): Junyk, Ihor I, Degree committee member (dgc): de Zwaan, Victoria V, Degree committee member (dgc): Bérard, Sylvie S, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University

This dissertation offers a historical look at the book cover as a material object of particular significance. As a part of the bibliographical tradition, the cover binds the book not only to its reader, but also to the culture that gives it meaning. Consequently, by chronologically reviewing the book cover through a mix of historical and fictional accounts, this study had as its goal to affirm the difficulty of judging the book cover without knowing its social history. The first project of this study takes the elaborately decorated bindings of Medieval manuscripts as the origin point for the modern book cover and retraces the attitudes and approaches to the book cover through the accounts of printers, binders, readers and collectors. The definition of the book cover then emerges as the result of the discursive dialogue between the material and aesthetic concerns of the book paratext. The second project expands the scope of the study from book covers made for Bibles and religious texts to the mechanical production of commercially defined gift books and aesthetic volumes. Looking at the book cover both as an object and a cultural agent, the discussion focuses on challenges readers go through in attempting to bring the meaning of the cover under their subjective control. Finally, the third project focuses on the twentieth century and the development of mass and artistic forms of designing and reading the book cover. Here, special attention is given to the similarities and differences between two main forms of books, hardbacks and paperbacks, as they continue to collaborate and compete in producing the most effective cover paradigm. The final section presents a brief summary of the dissertation and concludes with a brief projection about the future role and functions of the book cover.

Author Keywords: book cover, cultural history, design history, dust jacket, Oscar Wilde, Virginia Woolf


"Re-membering" a Disappearing Coast: Lyme Regis between Persuasion the Anthropocene

Creator (cre): Hathout, Shahira, Thesis advisor (ths): Epp, Michael, Degree committee member (dgc): Bailey, Suzanne, Degree committee member (dgc): Geerts, Evelien, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University

Crutzen and Stoermer's (2000) announcement of the Anthropocene draws attention to the agentic nature of the nonhuman world as it appears to be striking back against human intervention through an environmental crisis that is threatening humans and nonhumans alike. Their narrative reveals complex relationalities where humans are now revealed to beinseparable from the nonhuman world and both the material and discursive nature of their practices (historical, social, economic, and political) prove to be central to (re)shaping the earth, causing climate change, species extinctions as well as racism, sexism, and slavery. Rising sea levels is an important aspect of climate change that threatens major coastal places with disappearance. My dissertation offers a new approach that uses Karen Barad's (2003; 2007; 2017) agential realism and diffractive methodology to study a place called Lyme Regis – a town in west Dorset, England, threatened with disappearance as a result of rising sea levels caused by climate change – as an agential phenomenon shaped by complex multilayered material-discursive practices (political, economic, scientific, and social). Whereas current research on Barad's philosophy mainly focuses on discussions about the theory: explaining, critiquing, or defending (Gandorfer 2021; Lettow 2017; Graham 2016; Segal 2014; Geerts 2013; 2016; 2021; van der Tuin 2011; Alaimo and Hekman 2008; Rouse 2004 and more ), my project is the first ethico-political study of a place, Lyme, that applies Barad's agential realist perspective by engaging the activism of Barad's concept of "re-membering." The processual nature of the concept is particularly relevant today since its nonlinear understanding of time allows me to see how past violent material and discursive practices (racism, sexism, and slavery) at Lyme unfolds in the present troubled time of the Anthropocene. This process of re-membering that I undertake in this study involves concurrently examining the overlapping historical, economic, scientific, literary, and geological intra-acting practices through a method that Barad describes as diffractive reading. I rethink these practices in their relation to material practices and illuminate multiple layers of meaning and relationalities that constitute Lyme as an agential phenomenon, unsettling boundaries between humans and nonhumans, epistemology and ontology, material and discursive practices as well as boundaries between scientific, historical, cultural, and literary aspects of life. Therefore, within the context of the Anthropocene, chapter one rethinks how the scientific discourse (re)shapes nature and demonstrates how prioritizing the needs of human over nonhuman inhabitants in the name of saving Lyme could entail the destruction of both. Chapter two rethinks the dehumanizing and marginalizing effect of the scientific discourse by illuminating the agentic role of Mary Anning and Saartjie Baartman in the apparatus of scientific knowledge production that earned Lyme its heritage status. Finally, chapter three rethinks the entangled nature of scientific and literary practices, arguing for an agential realist account of the sublime that celebrates Lyme as a place of transformative human-nonhuman kinship based on Austen's elaborate depiction in Persuasion (1817). This reading shows science and literature as material-discursive practices operating along the unsettled boundaries between the novel and everyday life, allowing us to rethink Austen's writing as a process in constant flux.

Author Keywords: Agential Realism, Anthropocene, Diffractive Methodology, Lyme Regis, Persuasion, Posthumanist Sublime


The Depiction of Indigenous Women in Crime Fiction Written by Non-Indigenous Authors

Creator (cre): Beaucage-Johnson, Sharon, Thesis advisor (ths): Nicol, Heather, Degree committee member (dgc): Sherman, Paula, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University

From the early days of colonization, the use of stereotypes has negatively impacted Indigenous women. One mode of transmitting those stereotypes is through fiction. This thesis examines Indigenous female characters in contemporary crime fiction, written by non-Indigenous Canadian authors, for evidence of stereotype depiction. Two novels were selected for this study, The Last Good Day by Gail Bowen, and Cold Mourning by Brenda Chapman. The books were critically scanned using characterization analysis for evidence the Indigenous female characters were depicted as stereotypical Indian Princess or squaw. Results indicated the characters did possess some traits associated with the stereotypes, but overall, the characters reflected a realistic depiction of Indigenous women. The characters are authentic, relatable Indigenous women in the two books discussed, and are examples of how characters who are Indigenous can be respectfully depicted in Canadian crime fiction.

Author Keywords: Colonization, Crime Fiction, Indigeneity, Indigenous women, Relationships, Stereotypes


Remembering the "Home" through YouTube Cooking Videos: Sensory Evocations, Cultural Negotiations and the Diasporic Kitchen

Creator (cre): Ahmed, Naveera, Thesis advisor (ths): Bailey, Dr. Suzanne, Degree committee member (dgc): Bhandar, Dr. Davina, Degree committee member (dgc): Eddy, Dr. Charmaine, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University

This thesis examines how food, culture and identity are linked to the idea of "home." Through a reading of oral narratives produced on the YouTube channel "ShowMetheCurry," I investigate how presenters Anuja and Hetal "write back" from a diasporic space in Texas, to the YouTube global public, and how food and cuisine, even in the age of globalization can be problematic in terms of representation of identities, work and space. I explore how the YouTube videos operate as a heterotopia, as what is presented to the audience in this medium is an embedding of spaces. The space that is projected through "ShowMetheCurry," that of Anuja and Hetal's own home kitchen, is then projected and viewed within the audiences' own spaces, in various locations around the world. What connects these spaces is an interest in cooking, and a longing to satiate culinary nostalgia.

Author Keywords: Affect, Culinary nostalgia, Discourse analysis, Food culture, South Asian Diaspora, YouTube


Using the Same Language, but Meaning Different Things: A Textual Investigation of the Shared Rhetorics of the National and Poetic Narratives of First World War Britain

Creator (cre): Visser, Meghan, Thesis advisor (ths): Baetz, Joel, Degree committee member (dgc): Epp, Michael, Degree committee member (dgc): Bode, Rita, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University

Two dominant narratives emerging throughout the war were the national narrative––that is, the narrative of the war as articulated by the British nation via texts such as political speeches, recruitment posters, and popular music–– and the poetic narrative––that is, the narrative of the war emerging from poets, specifically battlefront poets for the sake of this thesis. One hundred years since World War One, these two narratives are often conceptualized as mutually exclusive, even antithetical to one another. This thesis brings these diverse narratives into conversation with one another by investigating how they both draw on the same rhetorics and yet use these rhetorics to differing ends. Interestingly, the rhetorics employed by both narratives throughout the war endure in contemporary remembrance practices in Britain today. By investigating how each narrative draws on and employs the same rhetorics, this thesis both contextualizes and complexifies contemporary interpretations of contemporary remembrance practices.

Author Keywords: Battlefront Poetry , Britain, Narrative, Remembrance, Rhetoric, World War One


Desire to be Zine: Feminist Zine Culture and Materiality in the Digital Age

Creator (cre): Rayner, Sarah, Thesis advisor (ths): Epp, Michael, Degree committee member (dgc): McGuire, Kelly, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University

This thesis explores access to feminist zine culture and community, specifically if, and how, access has been altered in the age of digital technologies and increased access to digital spaces. Results from a questionnaire completed by 8 young feminist zine-makers and readers of marginalized genders indicated that though the modern boundaries of what a zine is has been expanded to include e-zines, there remains a preference toward print zines in zine-making and reading practices. Results also revealed that while there is a preference toward accessing feminist zine culture and community in-person in theory, participants were more likely to access feminist zine culture and community online in reality. This project found that digital technologies and the Internet have affected feminist zine culture in multiple ways, ranging from the Internet creating a new access points to community, to the Internet making it easier to find, purchase, and distribute zines.

Author Keywords: Digital Media, Feminism, Feminist Zine Culture, Feminist Zines, Materiality, Print Media


Flesh Made Real: The Production, Reception, and Interpretation of Transgender Narratives

Creator (cre): Deshane, Evelyn, Thesis advisor (ths): Eddy, Charmaine, Degree committee member (dgc): Chivers, Sally, Degree committee member (dgc): McGuire, Kelly, Degree committee member (dgc): Mitchell, Liam, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University

This thesis examines what the term "transgender narrative" represents at this particular time and location. I do this by examining various methods of transgender storytelling through different forms of media production, including autobiography, film, novels, and online platforms such as Tumblr and YouTube. In chapter one, I look at the production of novels and the value system by which they are judged ("gender capital") in transgender publics and counterpublics. In chapter two, I examine the history of the autobiography, along with the medical history closely associated with transgender identity and bodily transformation. The third chapter examines notions of violence and memorial behind the deaths of transgender people and the ways in which certain political revolutions are formed within a counterpublic. I deconstruct varying notions of identity, authorship, and cultural production and critically examine what it means to be transgender and what it means to tell stories about transgender people. I will conclude with how these stories are being shaped through social media to become more innovative and move away from the rigid value system of gender capital previously mentioned.

Author Keywords: autobiography, gender, sex, social media, transgender, transsexual


"Learning to Be Mad, In a Dream": The Cold War and the Birth of the Beat Generation

Creator (cre): Gallagher, Sara S., Thesis advisor (ths): Epp, Michael, Thesis advisor (ths): Macleod, Lewis, Degree committee member (dgc): Dunaway, Finis, Degree committee member (dgc): Popham, Beth, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University

The Beat Generation shaped, and was shaped by, the post-WWII containment culture that arose in 1950s America. This so-called cultural containment reflected the social, political, and economic factors that were unique to the post-WWII period and are often

considered concurrent to post-war McCarthyism, which promoted a national ideology of exclusionism that was foremost opposed to the threat of Communism. I propose in my thesis that containment was a major influence in the rhetoric of resistance that is found

within the most prominent works of the Generation. My thesis also looks at the how Beat literature shifted from the counterculture to the mainstream and the impact that celebrity had on the Generation. When the Beats achieved literary fame their counterculture

represented the forefront of the New Left and was synonymous with succeeding protest cultures of the 1960s.

Author Keywords: Beat Generation, Cold War, Containment Culture, McCarthyism, Postmodernism, Second Wave Feminism


Punk as Public, Punks as Texts: Some Of This Is True

Creator (cre): Platana, Janette, Thesis advisor (ths): Hodges, Hugh, Thesis advisor (ths): Chivers, Sally, Degree committee member (dgc): Bailey, Suzanne, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University

This thesis is an attempt to explore the role that musical texts played in the development of a public by writing a work of fiction and then applying to it a critical exegesis. Part One, the literary text Some Of This Is True, (re-)creates and remembers punk in its iteration in Regina, Saskatchewan, in the late 1970s. Part two, the critical exegesis, examines how the theories of public formation outlined in Michael Warner's Publics and Counterpublics can partially explain the creation and behaviour of publics, but not entirely. Similarly Mikhail Bahktin's theory of carnival helps explain punk, but not entirely. Some gaps can be filled partly with theory borrowed from art history that reveals useful links between punk and Continental art movements; Michel Foucault's concept of heterotopia fills other gaps. Literature fills the rest.

Author Keywords: Creative Writing, Heterotopia, Michael Warner, Michel Foucault, Mikhail Bakhtin, Punk & Punks


Pausing Encounters with Autism and Its Unruly Representation: An inquiry into method, culture and academia in the making of disability and difference in Canada

Creator (cre): Marris, John Edward, Thesis advisor (ths): Chivers, Sally, Degree committee member (dgc): Epp, Michael, Degree committee member (dgc): Rankin, Pauline, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University

This dissertation seeks to explore and understand how autism, asperger and the autistic spectrum is represented in Canadian culture. Acknowledging the role of films, television, literature and print media in the construction of autism in the consciousness of the Canadian public, this project seeks to critique representations of autism on the grounds that these representations have an ethical responsibility to autistic individuals and those who share their lives. This project raises questions about how autism is constructed in formal and popular texts; explores retrospective diagnosis and labelling in biography and fiction; questions the use of autism and Asperger's as metaphor for contemporary technology culture; examines autistic characterization in fiction; and argues that representations of autism need to be hospitable to autistic culture and difference. In carrying out this critique this project proposes and enacts a new interdisciplinary methodology for academic disability study that brings the academic researcher in contact with the perspectives of non-academic audiences working in the same subject area, and practices this approach through an unconventional focus group collaboration. Acknowledging the contribution of disability studies approaches to representation, this project will also challenge these methodologies on the grounds that the diverse voices of audiences are, at times, absent from discourse focused research. Chapter One offers an explanation of disability studies scholarship and the history of autism as a category of disability and difference. Chapter Two looks at how disability and specifically autistic representations have been understood academically and introduces the rationale and experiences of the focus group project. Chapter Three explores retrospective, biographical diagnosis, the role of autism as technological metaphor, and contemporary biography. Chapter Four looks at the construction of autistic characters in Canadian literature and film. Chapter Five interrogates documentary and news media responses to autism and the construction of autism as Canadian health crisis, and also explores how discourses that surround autism are implicated in interventions and therapeutic approaches to autistic individuals.

Key Terms

Autism; Autistic Spectrum; Asperger; Disability; Representation; Media; Interdisciplinary Research; Focus Group; Retrospective Diagnosis; Biography; Academic Method; Academic and Representational Responsibility; Literature; Film; Diagnosis; Disability Studies; Therapy

Author Keywords: Academic Method, Autism Spectrum, Biography, Disability, Interdisciplinary Research, Representation