
Hibernian Imagination: A Study of Ireland's Violent Cultural Imaginary through Writing, Music, and Film

Creator (cre): Dugas, Alexandre, Thesis advisor (ths): Findon, Joanne, Degree committee member (dgc): Polito, Mary, Degree committee member (dgc): Bode, Rita, Degree committee member (dgc): Bailey, Suzanne, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University

Artistic expressions such as writing, theatrical productions, music, and film arguably contribute to a culture's representation of itself to the outside world. Most cultures have been either read or misread through their artistic outputs over the course of history, although the Irish culture stands as a particularly misunderstood one. Through years of colonization and rebel warfare, the country's culture has acquired a particularly imagined depiction; violent, which through centuries has resulted in a flawed cultural imaginary today. This thesis presents this issue and proposes a means to better understand the Irish culture through a deeper understanding of the factors that have led the country's cultural imaginary to its current misrepresentative state. Through an exploration of texts, theatre, music, and film, this thesis uncovers the factors which have led to Ireland's current cultural depiction in hopes of creating a better understanding of the Irish culture.

Author Keywords: cultural imaginary, Ireland, Irish culture, Irish stereotypes, public image, stereotypes


Ludic Fictions, Lucid Games: Playing Hopscotch With Julio Cortázar (Toward A Theory Of Literary Play)

Creator (cre): Campbell, Lee Dylan, Thesis advisor (ths): Mitchell, Liam, Thesis advisor (ths): De Zwaan, Victoria, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University

This thesis elucidates the role of play and games—the ludic—in Julio Cortázar's novel Hopscotch (1966; translation of Rayuela, 1963) through a range of resonant theories. Literary gameplay dominates the formal, linguistic, affective, reflexive, and thematic dimensions of Hopscotch, which are analyzed through concepts borrowed from play theorist Roger Caillois, among others, and literary theorists including Mikhail Bakhtin and Wolfgang Iser, whose ludic theories of fiction begin to map the field of ludic fiction. The analysis positions Hopscotch as an exemplar of the ludic counter-tradition within the novel, a perennial tendency from Don Quixote to postmodernism and beyond. Hopscotch, like other ludic fictions, enacts a complex convergence of the ludic and the lucid. It provokes active reading over passive consumption, diminishes the hegemonic function of serious mimesis to elevate other forms of gameplay, notably chance, competition, vertigo, and enigma, to dominant positions, and ultimately demonstrates a profound affinity between play and critical consciousness.

Author Keywords: Bakhtin, Cortazar, Iser, Ludic, Novel, Play


Visions of the Sedantary "I"/eye: Subjectivation in The Little Prince

Creator (cre): Jiang, YunQi, Thesis advisor (ths): Mitchell, Liam, Degree committee member (dgc): Holdsworth, David, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University

This thesis explores the seemingly innocuous call to "grow up," which is never simply a biological imperative. It is also a moral one. Demanding that one should "grow up" is not demanding that one grow older, but that one transform into a specific kind of subject – the "grown up." In the reading advanced here, The Little Prince thermalizes the suppleness of the figure of the grown up through a series of fantastic encounters. In particular, perception and corporeality will be taken up as the two interlocking ways we are often pushed towards an understanding of adulthood that is coextensive with an Enlightenment conception of subjectivity. Perception, having emerged from a sedimented economy of looking, produces norms and practices of attentiveness where much of our perceptual field is consigned to infrastructural obliviousness. This intensification of attention, in turn, coincides with a broader project of corporeal discipline that began with the body's sedation through the chair. The chair is itself an element of the disciplinary machine that regulates attention, where the pedagogical injunction to "pay attention" is often accompanied by the postural injunction to "settle down" and "sit up straight." The chair, then, not only individuates and renders those individuated bodies docile, but also readies them for an entry into the world of grown-ups.

Author Keywords: Attention, Enlightenment, Maturation, Saint-Exupery, Sedantariness, Subjectivation


Nineteenth-Century Aesthetics of Murder: Jack the Ripper to Dorian Gray

Creator (cre): Patnaik, Anhiti, Thesis advisor (ths): Bordo, Jonathan, Thesis advisor (ths): Thomas, Yves, Degree committee member (dgc): Penney, James, Degree committee member (dgc): Bailey, Suzanne, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University

This dissertation examines how sex crime and serial killing became a legitimate subject of aesthetic representation and mass consumption in the nineteenth century. It also probes into the ethical implications of deriving pleasure from consuming such graphic representations of violence. Taking off from Jack the Ripper and the iconic Whitechapel murders of 1888, it argues that a new cultural paradigm – the aesthetics of murder – was invented in England and France. To study the 'aesthetics of murder' as countless influential critics have done is not to question whether an act of murder itself possesses beautiful or sublime qualities. Rather, it is to determine precisely how a topic as evil and abject as murder is made beautiful in a work of art. It also questions what is at stake ethically for the reader or spectator who bears witness to such incommensurable violence. In three chapters, this dissertation delves into three important tropes – the murderer, corpse, and witness – through which this aesthetics of murder is analyzed. By examining a wide intersection of visual, literary, and cultural texts from the English and French tradition, it ultimately seeks to effect a rapprochement between nineteenth-century ethics and aesthetics. The primary artists and writers under investigation are Charles Baudelaire, Thomas De Quincey, Oscar Wilde, and Walter Sickert. In bringing together their distinctive styles and aesthetic philosophies, the dissertation opts for an interdisciplinary and comparative approach. It also aims to absolve these writers and artists from a longstanding charge of immorality and degeneracy, by firmly maintaining that the aesthetics of murder does not necessarily glorify or justify the act of murder. The third chapter on the 'witness' in fact, elucidates how writers like De Quincey and Wilde transferred the ethical imperative from the writer to the reader. The reader is appointed in the role of a murder witness who accidentally discovered the corpse on the crime scene. As a traumatized subject, the reader thus develops an ethical obligation for justice and censorship.

Author Keywords: Censorship, Jack the Ripper, Murder, Trauma, Victorian, Wilde


The Technology of Consent: American Science Fiction and Cultural Crisis in the 1980s

Creator (cre): Andrews, Chad, Thesis advisor (ths): Hollinger, Veronica, Degree committee member (dgc): O'Connor, Alan, Degree committee member (dgc): Dunaway, Finis, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University

The 1980s in the United States have come into focus as years of extensive ideological and socioeconomic fracture. A conservative movement arose to counter the progressive gains of previous decades, neoliberalism became the nation's economic mantra, and détente was jettisoned in favour of military build-up. Such developments materialized out of a multitude of conflicts, a cultural crisis of ideas, perspectives, and words competing to maintain or rework the nation's core structures.

In this dissertation I argue that alongside these conflicts, a crisis over technology and its ramifications played a crucial role as well, with the American public grasping for ways to comprehend a nascent technoculture. Borrowing from Andrew Feenberg, I define three broad categories of popular conceptualization used to comprehend a decade of mass technical and social transformations: the instrumental view, construing technology as a range of efficient tools; the substantive view, insisting technology is an environment that determines its subjects; and a critical approach, which recognizes the capacity for technology to shape subjects, but also its potential to aid new social agendas. Using Feenberg's categories as interpretive lenses, I foreground these epistemologies in three of the decade's most popular formations of literary science fiction (sf), and describe the broader discourses they participated in: military sf is connected to military strategy and weapons development (instrumental), cyberpunk to postmodernism and posthumanism (substantive), and feminist sf to feminist theory and politics (critical). These were not just discursive trajectories, I claim, but vital contributors to the material construction of what Antonio Gramsci would call hegemonic and counterhegemonic formations. While the instrumental paradigm was part of the decade's prevailing hegemonic make-up, substantive and critical discourses offered an alternative to the reality of cowboy militarism and unchecked technological expansion.

By engaging with the decade's texts—from There Will Be War to RoboCop to "A Cyborg Manifesto"—I hope to illuminate what I call the technology of consent, the significance of technological worldviews for modern technocultures, where such views are consented to by subaltern groups, and at the same time the existence of consent itself as a kind of complex social technology in the first place.

Author Keywords: American History, Discourse, Hegemony, Science Fiction, Technoculture, Technology


The Shaman Detective: A Comparative Reading of Enchantment and Animism in Contemporary Japanese Detective Fiction

Creator (cre): Dennis, Samuel Francis, Thesis advisor (ths): Hollinger, Veronica, Degree committee member (dgc): Epp, Michael, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University

This thesis examines a specific figure that appears throughout contemporary Japanese detective fiction (across different media), which I have termed the Shaman detective. A liminal figure that combines Japanese folk cosmologies with contemporary detective work, the Shaman detective is at once similar to, yet separate from, western postmodernist detective fiction. Invested in narratives of enchantment the Shaman detective is marked by his rejection of the epistemological ties of the modern and classical detectives that cause his counterparts to fail in the face of postmodern subjectivism. Committed to il-logic, dreaming, play, and intuition, the Shaman detective exists in the realm of the Fantastic, bridging the gap between mundane and marvellous realities. This thesis reads Shaman detective texts using western postmodernist theory with Todorov's theory of the Fantastic and Jane Bennett's New Materialism. This is synthesized with Japanese thought traditions, cosmologies and philosophies, in order to draw out the Shaman detective.

Author Keywords: Enchantment, Japanese Fiction, New Materialism, Postmodern Fiction, Shamanism, the Fantastic


On Tilt: The Inheritance and Inheritors of Digital Games

Creator (cre): Leipert, Jeremy Keir, Thesis advisor (ths): Panagia, Davide, Degree committee member (dgc): Manning, Paul, Degree committee member (dgc): Mitchell, Liam, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University

On Tilt: The Inheritance and Inheritors of Digital Games accepts and extends Eric Zimmerman's contention that literacies currently being developed during video-game play will be more broadly applicable (outside games) in the next hundred years as Western work, education, entertainment, and citizenship spaces become ever more shaped like video games.

To the end of better understanding both video games and the players and literacies contiguous with them, this dissertation interrogates comparisons between video games and... non-digital games, film and other fictional texts and worlds, blogs, casinos' games of chance, and the strategies employed by face-to-face criminals, always asking about the roles and responsibilities the human participants in these systems take; that is, this dissertation investigates what video games inherit from other forms of art, including non-digital games, and what the gamers and audience of today and tomorrow inherit through their contact with video games.

The dissertation examines in detail works by Jodi Dean, Bernard Suits, Bruce Sterling, T. L. Taylor, Walter Benjamin, Gavin de Becker, N. Katherine Hayles and Nicholas Gessler, and Katie Salen and Eric Zimmerman, considering their work, the video game, and gamers, in terms of power gaming, genre, fiction and suspension of disbelief, audience, motivations, fungibility, the zombie vs. the robot, value vs. meaning, agency, slipstream, capitalism, and ontology.

Ultimately, the dissertation suggests that there are two disparate strains of gamification building Zimmerman's future, arguing first that the penetration of video games into culture is changing the way we behave and exist as audience and more generally, and, second, that what is at stake, in terms of the attitudes, labels, and gameplay that we accept in terms of games and gamification is significant to what it means to be human, especially within systems that are only partly human, in the next hundred years.

Author Keywords: digital, gamification, genre, literacy, new media, videogame


From Reading to Reality: The Girl Public's Response to Post-Millennial Girl Fiction

Creator (cre): Cummings, Karen Joyce Maria, Thesis advisor (ths): Steffler, Margaret, Degree committee member (dgc): Bode, Rita, Degree committee member (dgc): Findon, Joanne, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University

This thesis explores post-millennial girl fiction, or young adult works published for girls since the turn of the millennium. Writing for girls has been traditionally placed beneath `more serious' literature, within a hierarchal model, while modern works enjoy an iconic status that is the product of cross-media popularity and a wide readership. Criticism has focused on post-millennial girl fiction being unwholesome, poorly written or anti-feminist, examination of the texts reveals personas which girls may use to explore, rebel against and critically examine societal expectations and fears about girlhood. To explore the publishing phenomenon surrounding current girls' fiction I use two sample series: Gossip Girl by Cecily Von Ziegesar and Twilight by Stephanie Meyer. Chapter One contrasts current girl's fiction with texts written about girlhood, followed with an analysis of the good-girl and bad-girl archetypes which are developed within the two groups of texts. I then consider the stylistic and structural elements presented within the fiction and the impact such elements may have on the girl public. In the conclusion, I consider the wider societal impacts of post-millennial girl fiction through social media, extended readership, cross-media influence and the responses of girl readers.

Author Keywords: Feminist Criticism, girlhood, Gossip Girl series, public theory, Twilight series, young adult fiction


Abject Utopianism and Psychic Space: An Exploration of a Psychological Progress Toward Utopia in the Work of Samuel R. Delany and Julia Kristeva

Creator (cre): Ellis, Cameron Alexander James, Thesis advisor (ths): Hollinger, Veronica, Degree committee member (dgc): Eddy, Charmaine, Degree committee member (dgc): Panagia, Davide, Degree committee member (dgc): Stavro, Elaine, Degree committee member (dgc): Pero, Allan, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University

This dissertation utilizes the psychoanalytic theories of French psychoanalyst Julia Kristeva as a lens through which to read the novels of American author Samuel R. Delany. I argue that concepts proper to Kristeva's work--namely abjection and/or the abject--can provide a way to think what it might mean to be utopian in the 21st century. Delany's novels are received historically, which is to say his work speaks from a certain historical and cultural viewpoint that is not that of today; however, I claim that his novels are exceptional for their attempts to portray other ways of being in the world. Delany's novels, though, contain bodies, psychologies, and sexualities that are considered abject with respect to contemporary morality. Nonetheless, this dissertation argues that such manifestations of abject lived experience provide the groundwork for the possibility of thinking utopianism differently today. Throughout, what I am working toward is a notion that I call Abject Utopianism: Rather than direct attention toward those sites that closely, yet imperfectly, approximate the ideal, one should commit one's attention to those sights that others avoid, abscond, or turn their nose up at in disgust, for those are the sites of hope for a better world today.

Author Keywords: Abject, Delany, Kristeva, Literary Criticism, Psychoanalysis, Utopia