Smith-Chant, Brenda

Why can't I stick to my workout routine? An integrated approach to self-regulation and physical activity

Creator (cre): Samtleben, Eric, Thesis advisor (ths): Smith-Chant, Brenda, Degree committee member (dgc): O'Hagan, Fergal, Degree committee member (dgc): Bray, Steven, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University

Previous researchers have linked lower levels of stress and greater ability to mobilize energy toward a goal (self-motivation); confidence in their ability to complete/achieve a particular task or goal (self-efficacy), and ability to willfully control their thoughts, emotions and behaviour (self-control) to regular physical activity (PA). In an effort to provide further insight into the processes underlying regular PA researches have begun to explore the interplay among stress and multiple self-regulatory variables when predicting level of PA (i.e., intensity and duration). In line with this integrated approach the present study aimed to examine the interplay among self-motivation, self-efficacy, and self-control when predicting daily PA. The study was a correlational design with cross-sectional data on trait self-motivation and self-efficacy collected at baseline, and longitudinal data collected on stress, PA, state self-control, self-motivation and self-efficacy over a 2 day period. The results from the regression model (n = 418) revealed a negative indirect effect of stress on participants level of PA through its negative relationship with state multifactor self-regulation. This mediation effect appeared to be moderated by trait SE and SM. In conclusion, these results support the notion of a stress related depletion effect acting on individuals state self-regulatory resources which was associated with lower levels of PA (i.e. intensity and duration). However, the negative effect of stress appeared to be buffered by high levels of trait SE and SM.

Author Keywords: exercise, physical activity, self-control, self-efficacy, self-motivation, self-regulation


Family Experiences in Nature: How Parents May Influence Their Children's Exposure to the Natural Environment

Creator (cre): Sommerfeld, Jocelyn, Thesis advisor (ths): Nisbet, Elizabeth, Degree committee member (dgc): Smith-Chant, Brenda, Degree committee member (dgc): Eastabrook, Jennifer, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University

Children may be spending less time outdoors in nature than in previous generations, with one potential reason being parents in their role as 'gatekeepers' to the outdoors. This study investigated how families are spending their time during the COVID-19 pandemic, and how parents may influence children's outdoor nature experiences. Parents (N = 121) from across Canada completed measures related to their family's activities as well as their own connection with nature, attitudes about nature, and childhood nature contact. Results suggest that having easy access to nature, a greater connection with nature, believing in the importance of outdoor experiences, and doing outdoor activities in childhood may be associated with more current family time outside in nature. By understanding the reasons behind parental decisions regarding where and how families spend time outside, strategies can be developed to help parents increase their children's nature time in the future.

Author Keywords: children, family, nature, nature-relatedness, outdoors, parents


Cognitive and Affective Theory of Mind in Children and Young Adolescents

Creator (cre): Toohey, Ashley, Thesis advisor (ths): Im-Bolter, Nancie, Degree committee member (dgc): Smith-Chant, Brenda, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University

Recently, a distinction has been made between cognitive theory of mind, the ability to make inferences about other's beliefs and thoughts, and affective theory of mind, the ability to make inferences about other's emotional states. The purpose of this study is to determine if the distinction between cognitive and affective theory of mind is developmentally appropriate and whether the relation between language and theory of mind is maintained when cognitive and affective theory of mind are examined separately. The sample consisted of 20 children aged 6 to 9 years, and 27 children aged 11 to 15 years. Results showed that the older group outperformed the younger group on both cognitive and affective theory of mind, and that different aspects of language were related to each type of theory of mind. This suggests the distinction between cognitive and affective theory of mind may in fact be valid in this age range.

Author Keywords: Affective Theory of Mind, Cognitive Theory of Mind, Development, Language


"I like big books": Students' preferences for text and academic characteristics at the Royal Military College in Kingston, Ontario

Creator (cre): Peverley, Amy, Thesis advisor (ths): Smith-Chant, Brenda, Degree committee member (dgc): Im-Bolter, Nancie, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University

The purpose of this study was to determine whether students at the Royal Military College (RMC) preferred electronic or print texts, their reasoning for this preference, and whether preference was related to student characteristics. Students (N=139) in a core course were provided with both formats. Due to a limited number of e-text users, statistical analyses of most variables were not possible. Instead, qualitative responses were analyzed to gain insight into student preferences. Students reported on the benefits and concerns of using each format. Their discussion of the benefits to the e-text and concerns about the print text were related to the level of convenience of each format. When considering the benefits of print and drawbacks of e-texts, students explained how these features could impact their reading experience. This study provides qualitative support for the continued use of print texts. Although they frequently use various forms of technology in the classroom, students are reluctant to study using electronic devices and feel their reading experience is best with print.

Author Keywords: Educational technology, Qualitative, Textbooks, Text preferences


Talking it out: Social Problem Solving and Language in Middle Childhood and Early Adolescence

Creator (cre): Bailey, Katharine, Thesis advisor (ths): Im-Bolter, Nancie, Degree committee member (dgc): Brown, Liana, Degree committee member (dgc): Smith-Chant, Brenda, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University

The literature to date that investigates the development of social perspective taking in children primarily focuses on preschool aged children. These studies provide evidence that implicates language as being crucial for social perspective taking in young children but less is known about the importance of language to social perspective taking during middle childhood and early adolescence. The current study uses Selman's theory of socio-cognitive development to investigate the maturation of social perspective taking and the importance of language to social problem solving in 8 year olds (n = 111) and 12 year olds (n = 112). Analysis of variance and scalogram analysis shows a developmental progression of social perspective taking across the social problem solving process. Children may be able to demonstrate reciprocal perspective taking when generating strategies before they are able to demonstrate reciprocal perspective taking for other steps of social problem solving. Flexibility in interpersonal orientation is shown to be a predictor of social problem solving ability. Correlations and multiple regression analysis demonstrate that language is important to overall social problem solving but that the role of semantic and syntactic language may differ at age 8 compared to age 12.

Author Keywords: interpersonal orientation, language, Selman, social cognition, social perspective taking, social problem solving


Drink my beer, smoke my weed, my good friends are all I need: Attachment representations and substance use in an university sample

Creator (cre): Robertshaw, Ashley, Thesis advisor (ths): Eastabrook, Jennifer, Thesis advisor (ths): Im-Bolter, Nancie, Degree committee member (dgc): Smith-Chant, Brenda, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University

Past research has predominately supported an association between insecure attachment and substance use. More recent research has found that while individuals with secure attachment may use substances, they do so with less risk. The current study attempted to replicate the finding regarding secure attachment and substance use and examined the motivational drives behind why students use substances. A total of 318 undergraduate students completed self-report questionnaires examining peer attachment, alcohol and marijuana use, as well as motivations for use. Results indicated that students who reported low frequency use of alcohol or marijuana did not have significantly higher security ratings compared to students who reported increased use. Additionally, although hypothesized, secure attachment ratings were not associated with social facilitation or enhancement motivations. However, fearful and dismissing attachment ratings were both significantly associated with coping motives as predicted, while preoccupied and fearful attachment ratings were significantly associated with conformity motives. Lastly, results from multiple regressions suggest that coping and enhancement motivations are significant predictors of alcohol use, while enhancement motivations are marginally significant in predicting marijuana use.

Author Keywords: alcohol, attachment, marijuana, motivation


Calming Chaos in the Classroom: The Effect of Self-Regulation Professional Training on Teachers' Perceptions of the Classroom Environment and Student Behavior

Creator (cre): Lisinski , Brianne Elonda, Thesis advisor (ths): Smith-Chant, Brenda, Degree committee member (dgc): Eastabrook, Jennifer, Degree committee member (dgc): Mowat, Vicki, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University

Physical activity and classroom design changes are beneficial means to reduce stress, and enhance well-being. Results across some studies however, are mixed. Shanker Self-Reg™ supports the use of physical equipment and design as a means of managing arousal and tension levels. Previous research lacks rich description of educators' understanding of equipment and design, Self-Reg, and how this understanding affects the way it is implemented. In the current study, educators' understanding of Self-Reg, how this understanding influenced educators' approach to the school environment, and if one workshop was enough to inspire individuals to adopt a Self-Reg approach were explored using thematic analysis. Participants included educators from schools with beginner and intermediate-level experience in Self-Reg. The analysis produced eight themes and 8 sub-themes. Participants' knowledge of Self-Reg influenced their approach to their environments. Although one workshop may have inspired interest in the framework, it was not enough to shift educators' current practice.

Author Keywords: Arousal, Classroom, Self-Reg, Self-regulation, Stress, Teachers



Creator (cre): Fauset, Nick, Thesis advisor (ths): Cater, Bruce, Degree committee member (dgc): Smith-Chant, Brenda, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University


The Propensity Toward Extremist Mind-Set as Predicted

by Personality, Motivation, and Self-Construal

Nick Fauset

Multivariate regression analyses were used to determine the effects of Personality (Neuroticism, Extraversion, Openness, Agreeableness, and Conscientiousness), Motivation (External, Amotivation, Intrinsic, and Identified), and Self-Construal (Independent and Interdependent) on three domains of Extremist Mind-Set (Proviolence, Vile World, and Divine Power). Participants consisted of first year undergraduate students (209 females, 76 males) enrolled in Introductory Psychology (N=279) and/or Introductory Economics (N=7), whom participated for course credit. The Motivation measure was problematic for students to complete and this variable was dropped from the model due to missing data. Decreases in Neuroticism, Openness, Agreeableeness, and Interdependent were significantly correlated with increases in Proviolence. Decreases in Agreeableness were correlated with increases in Vile World. Decreases in Openness, and increases in Agreeableness and Interdependent were significantly correlated with increases in Divine Power. These observations provide an interesting perspective on the types of Canadian undergraduate students who are more likely to score highly on measures of Extremism.

Keywords: Militant Extremist Mental Mind-Set, Extremism, Personality, Five Factor Model, Motivation, Intrinsic, Extrinsic, Self-Construal, Independent, Interdependent

Author Keywords: Extremism, Militant Extremist Mental Mind-Set, Motivation, Personality, Self-Construal



Creator (cre): Rapley, Jesiqua, Thesis advisor (ths): Smith-Chant, Brenda, Degree committee member (dgc): Navara, Geoffery, Degree committee member (dgc): O'Hagan, Fergal, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University

This research project focused on the positive behaviour changes in First Nations youth as a result of participation in a community-based recreation program. The study was a secondary analysis based on a qualitative data set. Both adults and youth were interviewed in one-on-one and focus group settings in 12 First Nations communities across Ontario. The data was analyzed using a grounded theory approach and a substantive model was formed based on the themes that emerged from the data. The most significant of these themes were the job of the role model, self-esteem and self-efficacy. The issue of overcoming shyness and peer mentoring are also discussed.


Problem-Solving and Cognitive Flexibility in Older Adolescents and Young Adults

Creator (cre): Mead, Jillian Nicole, Thesis advisor (ths): Im-Bolter, Nancie, Degree committee member (dgc): Agostino, Alba, Degree committee member (dgc): Smith-Chant, Brenda, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University

Ill-structured problems have changing components that solvers need to adapt their solutions to. Well-structured problems have strict, well-defined procedures, and solvers must know which procedures to apply and when. Research has suggested that these two types of problems utilize different problem-solving skills. The current study focused on the relation between ill-structured interpersonal problem solving, novel well-structured problem-solving, and cognitive flexibility in young adults and older adolescents. It was predicted that because of the changing components of ill-structured problems, cognitive flexibility would more strongly predict these compared to well-structured problems. The current study sample consisted of 73 undergraduates with an average age of 20.43 years. The results showed that cognitive flexibility is equally associated with ill-structured problem-solving and well-structured problem-solving. This suggests that cognitive flexibility may support the perspective coordination involved in solving ill-structured problems and that cognitive flexibility may support switching between search strategies when solving a novel well-structured problem.

Author Keywords: adolescent, adult, cognitive flexibility, ill-structured problem-solving, novel problems, well-structured problem-solving