Trent Centre for Community Based Education
The development design and creation of an outdoor interpretive exhibit: the bird ecology area
This paper documents the function and benefits of outdoor interpretive exhibits. A proposed bird ecology interpretive exhibit is discussed in detail building on resources that are all ready in place at Camp Kawartha.
Healthful foods, healthful hospital: within the Peterborough Regional Health Centre, Peterborough, Ontario
This project is set in the framework of the interests of Dr. Tom Miller, chief of Emergency of Peterborough Regional Health Centre PRHC). The overall goal is to suggest a way to provide an increase in healthful, certified organic, fair trade and local foods to the staff, patients, visitors and volunteers of the PRHC while still maintaining the sanitary, safe preparation and distribution of nutritional meals.
Breastfed on campus
Relationship between educational challenges and adolescent homelessness: by Lindsay Howell
A garden story
"For our project, we were responsible for creating a website for the Trent's vegetable gardens. This is the outline for working on the website which is the only written part we were supposed to do aside from the website." [Pg. 1].
Winter Marketing Project: Literature Review
Survey report: public education on waste diversion
Visitor management: Australian State Parks, Alberta Provincial Parks and Parks Canada
Program evaluation of a minor sports council: includes final report
The purpose of this study was to obtain the opinions of the members of the Minor Pete's [sic] hockey association primarily on volunteering and when to hold try-outs. An online survey was distributed to the 170 members of the association through an email link by each team's manager.