Trent University Graduate Thesis Collection

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Trace elements in lake catchments surrounding Iqaluit, Baffin Island, NU

Year: 2023, 2023
Member of: Trent University Graduate Thesis Collection
Name(s): Creator (cre): Brown, Rachel, Thesis advisor (ths): Aherne, Julian, Degree committee member (dgc): Koprivnjak, Jean-François, Degree committee member (dgc): Sager, Eric, Degree committee member (dgc): Lafleur, Peter, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University
Abstract: <p>In this study, twenty lake catchments surrounding Iqaluit, Baffin Island, were assessed for trace element concentrations (Al, As, Ba, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sb, Se, THg, V, Zn) in lake water, catchment soil, lake sediment, and moss (Hylocomium splendens). Additionally, the sources of each trace element were determined through the positive matrix factorization (PMF) model and… more

Abundance and Distribution of Microplastics in Lake Scugog Catchment, Ontario

Year: 2023, 2023
Member of: Trent University Graduate Thesis Collection
Name(s): Creator (cre): Karl, Katrina Anna-Marie, Thesis advisor (ths): Aherne, Julian, Degree committee member (dgc): Sager, Eric, Degree committee member (dgc): Liang, Tanner, Degree committee member (dgc): Hickie, Brendan, Degree committee member (dgc): McKenna-Neuman, Cheryl, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University
Abstract: <p>Plastic pollution is a growing concern, owing to its durability, ubiquity, and potential health impacts. The overall objective of this study was to assess the abundance and distribution of microplastics within Lake Scugog catchment, Ontario. This was fulfilled through two tasks (i) the development of a microplastic particle budget for the lake catchment, and (ii) the determination of the… more

Ploidy and Fitness Levels of Big Bluestem (Andropogon gerardii) Populations in South-Central Ontario: Implications for Seed Quality and Restoration

Year: 2023, 2023
Member of: Trent University Graduate Thesis Collection
Name(s): Creator (cre): Lefort, Hilary Anne, Thesis advisor (ths): Whillans, Tom, Thesis advisor (ths): Sager, Eric, Degree committee member (dgc): Watkinson, Autumn, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University
Abstract: <p>Ecological restoration of grassland ecosystems is increasing in scope in Ontario, as a result the demand for genetically appropriate, high-quality seeds of native plants is also
increasing. This mixed methods study characterized fitness and seed quality traits using
genetic, demographic and growth trial data for a keystone tallgrass prairie species Big
bluestem (Andropogon gerardii).… more

Short-term biogeochemical response of hardwood forest soils to wood ash additions in central Ontario

Year: 2023, 2023
Member of: Trent University Graduate Thesis Collection
Name(s): Creator (cre): Smith, Edward Philip, Thesis advisor (ths): Watmough, Shaun A, Degree committee member (dgc): Eimers, Catherine, Degree committee member (dgc): Sager, Eric, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University
Abstract: <p>The accelerated recovery of base-poor soils from the legacy effects of acidic deposition may be possible by applying industrial wood ash as a soil amendment. Wood ash may be an effective soil amendment due to its high alkalinity and concentrations of several essential nutrients, such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, and phosphorus, that are retained after the volatilization of the… more

The biogeochemistry of regreened forests on a mining and smelting degraded landscape

Year: 2023, 2023
Member of: Trent University Graduate Thesis Collection
Name(s): Creator (cre): Levasseur, Patrick, Thesis advisor (ths): Watmough, Shaun, Degree committee member (dgc): Aherne, Julian, Degree committee member (dgc): Sager, Eric, Degree committee member (dgc): Emilson, Erik, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University
Abstract: <p>Mining and smelting degraded landscapes are characterised by heavily eroded soils that are acidic, contaminated with toxic metals, and depleted of essential nutrients. Regreening degraded landscapes has been proposed to support global carbon (C) mitigation measures and protect biodiversity. One of the world's largest regreening programs in the City of Greater Sudbury, Canada has… more

Ecosystem Response to Above Canopy Nitrogen Addition in a Jack Pine (Pinus banksiana) Forest in the Athabasca Bituminous Sands Region of Northeastern Alberta, Canada

Year: 2021, 2021
Member of: Trent University Graduate Thesis Collection
Name(s): Creator (cre): McDonough, Andrew Michael, Thesis advisor (ths): Watmough, Shaun A, Degree committee member (dgc): Aherne, Julian, Degree committee member (dgc): Hutchinson, Tom, Degree committee member (dgc): Sager, Eric, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University
Abstract: <p>In this study we seek to better understand the potential effects of short-term (5-year) N fertilization on jack pine forest biogeochemistry, vascular plant community composition and to project a temporal endpoint of nitrogen leaching below the major rooting zone. Aqueous ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3) was applied above the forest canopy across five treatment plots (20 x 80 m) four times… more

The influence of tree species litterfall on soil chemistry and implications for modelling soil recovery from acidification

Year: 2021, 2021
Member of: Trent University Graduate Thesis Collection
Name(s): Creator (cre): Ott , Neil, Thesis advisor (ths): Watmough, Shaun, Degree committee member (dgc): Eimers, Catherine, Degree committee member (dgc): Sager, Eric, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University
Abstract: <p>Decades of acidic deposition have depleted base cation pools in soil over large parts of eastern north America, including the Muskoka-Haliburton region of central Ontario. This region has also experienced a shift in forest species composition over the past 200 years, favouring sugar maple (Acer saccharum Marsh.) at the expense of species such as white pine (Pinus strobus L.) and eastern… more

Prioritizing Restoration Potential within Protected Areas in Haliburton County, Ontario

Year: 2021, 2021
Member of: Trent University Graduate Thesis Collection
Name(s): Creator (cre): Monico, Robert Giovanni, Thesis advisor (ths): Whillans, Tom, Degree committee member (dgc): Sager, Eric, Degree committee member (dgc): Attridge, Ian, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University
Abstract: <p>Ecological restoration helps managers of protected areas respond to challenges presented by factors that threaten ecological integrity and respond to residual effects of previous land use. Many protected areas require restoration on sections of the property, due to previous land use. The objective of this thesis is to present criteria that assist ecological restoration professionals in… more

Wetland Offsetting: Emergent Protocols and Techniques for Prioritizing Site-Specific Wetland Services

Year: 2021, 2021
Member of: Trent University Graduate Thesis Collection
Name(s): Creator (cre): Spence, Becca, Thesis advisor (ths): Whillans, Tom, Degree committee member (dgc): Sager, Eric, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University
Abstract: <p>Wetland loss in southern Ontario, escalated by development, is putting pressure on planners as they struggle to meet development needs while maintaining a balance with regional natural heritage. Wetland offsetting, coupled with strategic environmental assessment and sustainable community planning, offers a potential solution. A combined approach of literature review, interviews, focus… more

The Influence of Nitrogen Deposition on Community Composition in Pinus banksiana Forests Across Northwestern Canada

Year: 2020, 2020
Member of: Trent University Graduate Thesis Collection
Name(s): Creator (cre): Vandinther, Nicole, Thesis advisor (ths): Aherne, Julian, Degree committee member (dgc): Sager, Eric, Degree committee member (dgc): Watmough, Shaun, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University
Abstract: <p>Anthropogenic atmospheric emissions and subsequent deposition of nitrogen (N) can affect N-sensitive habitats and lead to shifts in plant species community composition. This study assessed the effects of N deposition on plant community composition for Jack pine forests across northwestern Canada and across a smaller subset of sites surrounding the Athabasca Oil Sands Region (AOSR) using… more

Temporal variation of dissolved organic matter and diffusive gradient in thin films-labile mercury in the Quesnel river, BC, and the Goose Creek tributary of Churchill river, MB

Year: 2020, 2020
Member of: Trent University Graduate Thesis Collection
Name(s): Creator (cre): Sarswat, Rishabh, Thesis advisor (ths): Aherne, Julian, Degree committee member (dgc): Gueguen, Celine, Degree committee member (dgc): Sager, Eric, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University
Abstract: <p>This study examined dissolved organic matter (DOM) and labile Mercury (from diffusive gradient in thin films (DGT)) in the Quesnel river, British and the Goose creek tributary of the Churchill river, Manitoba. DOM properties were measured with optical measurements of absorption coefficient (a254), spectral slopes (S275-295, SR) and fluorescence indices (HIX, BIX, FI). The DOC proxy… more

Near-road assessment of traffic related air pollutants along a major highway in Southern Ontario

Year: 2019, 2019
Member of: Trent University Graduate Thesis Collection
Name(s): Creator (cre): Reid, Holly, Thesis advisor (ths): Aherne, Julian, Degree committee member (dgc): Sager, Eric, Degree committee member (dgc): Eimers, Catherine, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University
Abstract: <p>The spatial and temporal variation in atmospheric nitrogen dioxide (NO2), ammonia (NH3), and 17 elements (V, Cr, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Cd, Pb, Mg, Al, Ca, Co, Se, Sb, Mn, and Na) were measured at 40 road side locations along a ~250 km traffic density gradient of 40,000–400,000 vehicles on the King's Highway 401, in Ontario, Canada. Elemental concentrations were measured over a year,… more

Moss Biomonitoring of Trace Element Deposition in Northwestern British Columbia, Canada

Year: 2018, 2018
Member of: Trent University Graduate Thesis Collection
Name(s): Creator (cre): Cowden, Phaedra, Thesis advisor (ths): Aherne, Julian, Degree committee member (dgc): Watmough, Shaun, Degree committee member (dgc): Sager, Eric, Degree committee member (dgc): Canners, Richard, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University
Abstract: <p>Atmospheric pollutant deposition poses a risk to ecosystem health; therefore, monitoring the spatial and temporal trends of deposition is integral to environmental sustainability. Although moss biomonitoring is a common method to monitor various pollutants in Europe, offering a cost-effective approach compared to traditional methods of monitoring, it is rarely used in Canada. The focus… more

Nitrogen Retention of Terricolous Lichens in a Jack Pine Forest in Northern Alberta

Year: 2018, 2018
Member of: Trent University Graduate Thesis Collection
Name(s): Creator (cre): Bird, Adam, Thesis advisor (ths): Watmough, Shaun, Degree committee member (dgc): Sager, Eric, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University
Abstract: <p>The Athabasca Oil Sands in Alberta, Canada is one of the largest point sources emitters of NOx in Canada and there</p><p>are concerns that elevated nitrogen (N) deposition will lead to widespread eutrophication impacts, including altered</p><p>species composition, similar to what has occurred in several parts of Europe. Atmospheric deposition rates as high as</… more

Distribution of Cluster Fly Species (Pollenia, spp. Diptera: Calliphoridae) Across Canada Including Range Extensions and First Provincial Records

Year: 2018, 2018
Member of: Trent University Graduate Thesis Collection
Name(s): Creator (cre): Samkari, Bshayer A, Thesis advisor (ths): Beresford, David, Degree committee member (dgc): Hutchinson, Tom, Degree committee member (dgc): Sager, Eric, Degree committee member (dgc): Davy, Christina, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University
Abstract: <p>This thesis looks at the genus Pollenia: historically where they were first introduced into Canada and spatially, where they are found now. This project involved me identifying 2211 files, sorted from the 3 years of field specimens obtained in 2011, 2012, 2013. P. pediculata was the most abundant and widespread, yielding 1272 specimens out of 2211, and it was found in all provinces… more

Exploring reproduction in wild blue lupine (Lupinus perennis) in comparison to L. polyphyllus and L. albus

Year: 2017, 2017
Member of: Trent University Graduate Thesis Collection
Name(s): Creator (cre): Francis, Heathyr E., Thesis advisor (ths): Emery, Neil R.J., Degree committee member (dgc): Sager, Eric, Degree committee member (dgc): Dorkin, Marcel, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University
Abstract: <p>Wild lupine (Lupinus perennis) restoration efforts seek to increase and connect populations, using seeds, to facilitate the recovery of endangered butterflys in Ontario. This study observed plant growth and phytohormone levels of L. albus, L. polyphyllus, and L. perennis through stages of seed development, each with varying strategies in growth and reproductive investment. L. polyphyllus… more

The effects of in-stream woody debris from selective timber harvest on nutrient pools and dynamics within Precambrian Shield streams

Year: 2017, 2017
Member of: Trent University Graduate Thesis Collection
Name(s): Creator (cre): Jamieson, Tyler Jacob Ross, Thesis advisor (ths): Watmough, Shaun, Thesis advisor (ths): Eimers, Catherine, Degree committee member (dgc): Sager, Eric, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University
Abstract: <p>Timber harvest can influence the rate of transfer of organic matter from the terrestrial catchment to streams, which may have both direct and indirect effects on in-stream nutrient pools and dynamics. In the interest of developing sustainable forestry practices, the continued study of the effects of forestry on nutrient dynamics in aquatic systems is paramount, particularly in sensitive… more

The impact of selection harvesting on soil properties and understory vegetation in canopy gaps and skid roads in central Ontario

Year: 2017, 2017
Member of: Trent University Graduate Thesis Collection
Name(s): Creator (cre): Treasure, Theresa T., Thesis advisor (ths): Eimers, Catherine, Thesis advisor (ths): Watmough, Shaun, Degree committee member (dgc): Sager, Eric, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University
Abstract: <p>Tree harvesting alters nutrient cycling and removes nutrients held in biomass, and as a result nutrient availability may be reduced, particularly in naturally oligotrophic ecosystems. Selection harvesting is a silvicultural technique limited to tolerant hardwood forests where individual or small groups of trees are removed creating a "gap" in the forest canopy. In order for… more

The Biology and Management of Stratiotes Aloides in the Trent River, Ontario

Year: 2017, 2017
Member of: Trent University Graduate Thesis Collection
Name(s): Creator (cre): Canning, Robert, Thesis advisor (ths): Sager, Eric, Degree committee member (dgc): Whillans, Tom, Degree committee member (dgc): Freeland, Joanna, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University
Abstract: <p>Invasive aquatic plants can create negative ecological, economic and social impacts when they displace local vegetation, interfere with shipping and navigation and inhibit water-based recreational activities. In 2008, the first North American occurrence of the invasive plant Stratiotes aloides (Water soldier) was identified in the Trent River, Ontario. This research measured offset… more

Geochemistry and Toxicity of a Large Slag Pile and its Drainage Complex in Sudbury, Ontario

Year: 2017, 2017
Member of: Trent University Graduate Thesis Collection
Name(s): Creator (cre): Souter, Laura Elizabeth, Thesis advisor (ths): Watmough, Shaun, Degree committee member (dgc): Hutchinson, Tom, Degree committee member (dgc): Sager, Eric, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University
Abstract: <p>This study was designed to determine the geochemistry and potential toxicity of water draining a large slag pile in Sudbury, Ontario, which runs through a pond complex prior to entering Alice Lake. Slag leaching experiments confirmed slag is a source of sulphate, heavy metals (including Fe, Al, Ni, Co, Cu, Zn, Pb, Cr, Mn) and base cations (Ca, K, Mg, Na). Concentrations of most metals… more