Environmental science

In situ chlorophyll measurements with fluorometry: In-lab validation and use in lake vertical profiling

Creator (cre): Annan, Melanie Joslyn, Thesis advisor (ths): Frost, Paul C, Degree committee member (dgc): Koprivnjak, Jean-François, Degree committee member (dgc): Bailey, Robert, Degree committee member (dgc): Raby, Graham, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University

In situ chlorophyll sensors are beneficial for monitoring of long-term impacts of algal blooms and accessing water quality issues in bodies of water. However, more research is needed to validate their efficacy and understand how environmental conditions can influence sensor measurements. I assessed the performance of an in situ chlorophyll sensor under controlled environmental conditions and used the same sensor to collect vertical phytoplankton patterns in south-central Ontario boreal lakes. The performance of the sensor was assessed by examining the precision of chlorophyll measurements and determining the suitable timing length that would produce precise results. In general, the sensor was relatively insensitive to conditions under lower algal concentrations and the decent of the sensor should be slowed for vertical lake profiling in lakes with higher algal biomass. Most variation resulted from the movement of particle bound algal cells. We described chlorophyll profile characteristics including surface chlorophyll levels and chlorophyll peak depth and width and investigated the relationships of these features with environmental controls. The lakes showed a typical chlorophyll profile of low phytoplankton biomass lakes. Our results showed that dissolved organic carbon was a strong predictor of epilimnetic biomass while light attenuation and dissolved organic carbon were both strong predictors of peak depth. Light attenuation and surface area were small but significant predictors of peak width. We acknowledged that any uncertainties in sensor chlorophyll readings were not an issue in our lakes due to the overall low chlorophyll biomass.

Author Keywords: chlorophyll, chlorophyll fluorescence, in situ profiling, lakes, phytoplankton biomass, water quality 


Assessing habitat suitability and connectivity for an endangered salamander complex

Creator (cre): Smith, Graeme, Thesis advisor (ths): Murray, Dennis, Thesis advisor (ths): Hossie, Thomas, Degree committee member (dgc): Nol, Erica, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University

Habitat loss and fragmentation have significantly contributed to amphibian population declines, globally. Evaluating the state of remaining habitat patches can prove to be beneficial in identifying areas to prioritize in conservation efforts. Pelee Island, Ontario is home to a complex of salamanders including small-mouthed salamanders (Ambystoma texanum), blue-spotted salamanders (A. laterale) and unisexual Ambystoma (small-mouthed salamander dependent population). These populations have declined from intense landscape changes since the late 1800s, particularly from the historical drainage of wetlands. In this thesis, I evaluated the suitability and connectivity of habitat patches occupied by these salamanders to assess the size of, and dispersal capabilities between, remaining habitat patches. I found that there was a low amount of suitable terrestrial habitat available for this complex of salamanders, and existing habitat patches were small and isolated. Forested areas and non-breeding wetlands were considered to be suitable habitat when adjacent to existing breeding locations, suggesting that these habitats should be a focus for conservation efforts. Notably, intervention may be necessary to maintain this amphibian complex as many assemblages are isolated from one another and potential corridors currently consist of primarily unsuitable habitat. Given that much of the salamander complex is reliant on one species for reproduction, the long-term viability of this population of Ambystoma salamanders may rely on the enhancement of suitable habitat near current breeding sites by conservation organizations and local stakeholders. Ultimately, the approach used in this thesis emphasizes the value of evaluating habitat within a fragmented landscape to focus conservation efforts on imperilled species.

Author Keywords: amphibians, connectivity, habitat suitability, landscape fragmentation, landscape resistance, unisexual


Impacts of Cover Crops on Soil Health, Soil Nitrogen Dynamics, and Cytokinin Profiles

Creator (cre): Perera, Ushettige Imesha Dimuthuni, Thesis advisor (ths): Thompson, Karen A, Thesis advisor (ths): Emery, Neil, Degree committee member (dgc): Kisiala, Anna, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University

In Ontario, the dominant cash crop rotations consist of soybean (SB), which is a leguminous crop grown in rotation with maize (MZ) and winter wheat (WW). In addition to these crops, some farmers integrate cover crops (CC) into crop rotation, especially during the fallow period and winter seasons, to reduce nitrogen (N) losses via nitrate (NO3-) leaching and emission of N2 and the greenhouse gas nitrous oxide (N2O). This thesis focused on understanding the impact of crop phases in a MZ-(SB-WW)-CC rotation on the abundance of N-cycling bacterial communities that mediate nitrification and denitrification pathways. In addition, the influence of CCs on soil cytokinin (CK) profiles, which are plant growth-promoting hormones, were studied in a greenhouse trial to assess their potential impacts when integrating CCs into crop rotations. In particular, the relationship between traditional soil health parameters and the soil CK profiles was studied to understand how CKs might reflect biotic interactions and soil vitality. Results indicate N fertilizer application mono ammonium phosphate (MAP) and starter N:P: K (24:6:24) during WW planting in fall largely supported nitrifying bacterial communities (amoA) and potentially contributed to NO3- leaching. Management of MZ, which included spring-applied MAP resulted in larger denitrifying (nirK) bacterial communities, increasing the potential risk of N-loss via emission of dinitrogen gas (N2) and greenhouse gas N2O. However, CC soils had significantly lower nirK than MZ, reflecting the importance of strong and deep root systems of CCs, which have a higher ability to scavenge the substrates for denitrifying communities (NO3-). This highlights the importance of growing CCs in reducing the potential risk for N-loss via leaching and denitrification. Additionally, in the greenhouse trial, the ability of CCs to affect CK was detected, highlighting the importance of integrating CC in crop rotations. This is particularly noteworthy, given that total CK profiles showed strong associations with traditional soil health parameters such as labile or active carbon and soil microbial community diversity. It was concluded that total soil CK can be used as a novel and dynamic soil health measure. Future research on quantifying N2O fluxes and levels of NO3- in leachates would provide a more precise understanding of the impact of different crop rotation phases on N-dynamics in these fields. Further studies on single or combined measures of soil CKs are warranted to develop its potential as a practical and effective soil health parameter.

Author Keywords: Cover crops, Crop rotations, Cytokinin hormone, Nitrogen Cycle, qPCR, Soil health


Organic Matter and Total Mercury in Acid-Sensitive Lakes in Ireland

Creator (cre): Nelson, Sarah A.M., Thesis advisor (ths): Aherne, Julian, Degree committee member (dgc): Hintelmann, Holger, Degree committee member (dgc): Koprivnjak, Jean-François, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University

The following study measured dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and total mercury (THg) concentrations in acid sensitive lakes in the Republic of Ireland. Sixty-eight upland lakes and 48 lowland lakes were sampled for DOC; the upland lakes were additionally sampled for THg. Spatial variability of DOC was explained by regional precipitation and soil organic matter. A subset of lakes was tested for long-term trends and in contrast to reports of rising DOC in European surface waters, changes in DOC were minor. Spatial variability in THg was explained by DOC and organic matter aromaticity. Long-term THg concentrations increased, likely caused by inputs of terrestrial THg. A subset of lakes was sampled for sediment and soil and the results suggested soils drove THg variation in lake water and sediment. Lake water and sediment THg was low and consistent with background regions, while soil THg was relatively high due to high organic content.

Author Keywords: Dissolved Organic Carbon, Lakes, Organic Matter, Soil, Total Mercury, Water


Active layer thermal regime in subarctic wetlands at the southern edge of continuous permafrost in Canada

Creator (cre): Muir, Gillian, Thesis advisor (ths): Brown, Glen, Degree committee member (dgc): Nol, Erica, Degree committee member (dgc): Metcalfe, Robert, Degree committee member (dgc): Hu, Baoxin, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University

The fine-scale controls of active layer dynamics in the subarctic at the southern edge of continuous permafrost are currently poorly understood. The goal of this thesis was to understand how environmental conditions associated with upland tundra heath, open graminoid fen, and palsas/peat plateaus affected active layer thermal regime in a subarctic peatland in northern Canada. Indices of active layer thermal regime were derived from in-situ measurements of ground temperature and related to local measurements of air temperature, snow depth, and surface soil moisture. Active layer thaw patterns differed among landforms, with palsas and tundra heath having the least and greatest amount of thaw, respectively. Tundra heath thaw patterns were influenced by the presence of gravel and sandy soils, which had higher thermal conductivity than the mineral and organic soils of fens and palsas. Vegetation also influenced thaw patterns; the lichen cover of palsas better protected the landform from incoming solar radiation than the moss, lichen, and low-lying shrub cover of upland tundra heath, thus allowing for cooler ground temperatures. Air temperature was the most significant predictor of active layer thermal regime. Surface soil moisture varied among landforms and greater surface soil moisture reduced the amount of active layer thaw. These findings improved understanding of how landform and climate can interact to affect the active layer.

Author Keywords: Active layer thermal regime, Active layer thickness, Climate change, Peatland, Permafrost, Subarctic


Land Cover Effects on Hydrologic Regime within Mixed Land Use Watersheds of East-Central Ontario

Creator (cre): Lockett, Brandon Robert, Thesis advisor (ths): Eimers, Catherine M., Degree committee member (dgc): Buttle, Jim M., Degree committee member (dgc): Sorichetti, Ryan J., Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University

Land cover change has the potential to alter the hydrologic regime from its natural state. Southern Ontario contains the largest and fastest growing urban population in Canada as well as the majority of prime (Class I) agricultural land. Expansions in urban cover at the expense of agricultural land and resultant 'agricultural intensification', including expansion of tile drainage, have unknown effects on watershed hydrology. To investigate this, several streams with a range of landcovers and physiographic characteristics were monitored for two years to compare differences of flashiness and variability of streamflow using several hydrologic metrics. Urban watersheds were usually the flashiest while agriculture had moderate flashiness and natural watersheds were the least flashy across all seasons, signifying that landcover effects were consistent across seasons. Tile drainage increased stream flashiness during wet periods, but minimized the stream response to an extreme rain event in the summer, perhaps due to increases in soil moisture storage. A sixty-year flow analysis showed that flashiness and streamflow increased (p < 0.05) above a development threshold of ~10% of watershed area. Flashiness was also greater in wetter years suggesting that climate shifts may enhance stream variability in developed watersheds.

Author Keywords: Agriculture, Flashiness, Hydrologic Metrics, Hydrologic Regime, Landcover Change, Urban


The Influence of nitrogen and sulfur on cadmium tolerance in Euglena gracilis: an RNA-Sequencing investigation

Creator (cre): Kennedy , Victoria, Thesis advisor (ths): Saville, Barry, Degree committee member (dgc): Emery, Neil, Degree committee member (dgc): Donaldson, Michael, Degree committee member (dgc): Farrow, Scott, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University

Heavy metal pollution threatens human and ecosystem health. E. gracilis was investigated for its potential use in bioremediation due to its tolerance for heavy metals and ability to sequester them from the environment. E. gracilis can remove metals by producing metal binding compounds enriched in sulfur and nitrogen. In this thesis, E. gracilis cultures that were pretreated with elevated levels of sulfur or nitrogen had increased tolerance to CdCl2 compared to non-pretreated cultures. RNA-sequencing revealed that both pretreatments led to transcript level changes and that exposure to CdCl2 led to further transcript level changes. Gene ontology (GO) enrichment analysis reflected changes in nitrogen and sulfur metabolism as well as physiological processes related to metal binding. The data from this thesis revealed important transcription level changes that occur when E. gracilis is challenged with CdCl2 and helps us understand how organisms adapt to heavy metal pollution in the environment.

Author Keywords: bioremediation, Cadmium, Euglena gracilis, GO-enrichment, metal-binding, RNA-Sequencing


Abundance and Distribution of Microplastics in Lake Scugog Catchment, Ontario

Creator (cre): Karl, Katrina Anna-Marie, Thesis advisor (ths): Aherne, Julian, Degree committee member (dgc): Sager, Eric, Degree committee member (dgc): Liang, Tanner, Degree committee member (dgc): Hickie, Brendan, Degree committee member (dgc): McKenna-Neuman, Cheryl, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University

Plastic pollution is a growing concern, owing to its durability, ubiquity, and potential health impacts. The overall objective of this study was to assess the abundance and distribution of microplastics within Lake Scugog catchment, Ontario. This was fulfilled through two tasks (i) the development of a microplastic particle budget for the lake catchment, and (ii) the determination of the dry deposition of atmospheric microplastics in Port Perry, Ontario. The total input of microplastics into Lake Scugog (atmospheric deposition and stream inflow) was 2491 x106 mp/day, while the output (lake outflow and sedimentation) was 1761 x106 mp/day, suggesting that 29% of inputs were retained in the lake. The dry deposition of microplastics in Port Perry was 1257 mp/m2/day, which was high when compared to bulk deposition (37 mp/m2/day) in the same area. By quantifying the major pathways of microplastics better management techniques can be implemented.

Author Keywords: Catchment, Dry Deposition, Microplastics, Ontario, Particle Budget, Plastic pollution


The Effects of Agricultural Land Use Change on Nitrogen and Phosphorus in North Shore Lake Ontario Tributaries

Creator (cre): DeBues, Max, Thesis advisor (ths): Eimers, Catherine, Degree committee member (dgc): Watmough, Shaun, Degree committee member (dgc): Mohamed, Mohamed, Degree committee member (dgc): Mueller, Jessica, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University

Row crop agriculture and associated land use practices including tile drainage and conservation tillage have been cited as a probable cause of re-emerging eutrophication in the lower Great Lakes. In this thesis, I sought to quantify and evaluate the effect of agricultural land cover and land use changes on total phosphorus (TP) and nitrate-nitrogen (NO3-N) concentrations and export in north shore Lake Ontario tributaries. This included (a) a long-term data analyses at 12 large watersheds (47 to 278 km²) using historical land cover and water quality data (1971-2010), and (b) a space-for-time study examining 12 small sub-catchments (< 8 km²) with majority (> 50%) row crop, pasture, or forest cover. Concentrations of TP were greatest in urbanized watersheds and declined particularly during the first decades of the study period, while NO3-N concentrations were greatest and steadily increased in agricultural catchments with increasing row crop cover. The space-for-time approach revealed that TP concentrations were similar across agricultural land uses and that export was most dependent on runoff. Meanwhile, NO3-N concentrations and export were greatest in row crop catchments and were positively related to row crop area. These results suggest that increases in row crop cover and associated agricultural practices including increased nutrient amendments and tile drainage may be responsible for increased NO3-N concentrations and export in northern Lake Ontario tributaries.

Author Keywords: agriculture, Lake Ontario, nitrogen, phosphorus, streams, Water quality


Larval lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) recruitment dynamics in Lake Huron

Creator (cre): Cunningham, Katelyn, Thesis advisor (ths): Dunlop, Erin S., Degree committee member (dgc): Jones, Nicholas E., Degree committee member (dgc): Schaefer, James A., Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University

Lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) recruitment has declined substantially in several regions of the Laurentian Great Lakes since the establishment of non-native dreissenid mussels in the early 1990's. In Lake Huron, the reasons for the observed recruitment declines are currently unknown and there is limited knowledge about larval life stage. In our study, we determined whether larval hatching and growth rates have changed before and after dreissenid mussel invasion, and the role of several key environmental variables in influencing annual variation in larval densities. Larval fish were collected in the Fishing Islands spawning shoal during two time periods: a historical period (1976-1986) and a contemporary period (2017-2019). Larval densities and growth were lower in recent years, suggesting that recruitment is being limited at the larval life stage and that reduced food availability may be further limiting the growth during the larval stage. Annual variation of larval densities were influenced by spawning stock biomass, water levels, and dreissenid mussel presence, with higher water levels and the presence of dreissenid mussels being associated with higher larval densities. The direction of the effect of spawning stock biomass was either negative or positive depending on the model. We also found that larval density was a significant predictor of age 4 recruitment, indicating that year-class strength may be partly established at the larval life stage.

Author Keywords: Coregonus clupeaformis, Great Lakes, Lake Huron, Lake whitefish, Larval, Recruitment