Trent Centre for Community-Based Education
A guidebook for land managers: protecting species at risk
Household product public education
This report reviews common household products and shows their contained ingredients, possible side effects after usage and suggestions for 'green' alternatives.
Why green isn't enough: Environmental Justice Conference
This report provides an outline of current challenges and past victories for migrant worker advocacy from the organized labour perspective of the United Food and Commerical Workers Union (UFCW).
The health of Lake Kasshabog today and tomorrow
The Lake Kasshabog Residents Association (LKRA) would like to develop a tool, using a Geographic Information System (GIS), which would be accessible to certain members of the association. With this tool they would be able to describe the extent of damage that shoreline modifications, invasive plant species, fishing practices, etc. are causing to the lake. Using Microsoft Access, a database of field data has been created which has been attached to a digital map of the area. The tools provided with this application allow the user to manipulate the data into a visual representation and to see exactly what is happening to the ecology of Lake Kasshabog. It will be a useful aid for any study done on the lake, and for determining if the lake is improving over time.
Evaluation of a service learning program
This report provides a synopsis of an evaluation of the Trent Centre for Community-based Education initiative to partner with the Canadian Studies department to offer short-term service-learning projects through the Canadian Studies course.
Evaluation of the implementation of Trent University's 'No Sweat' policy
In 2002, Trent University adopted a 'No Sweat' policy to ensure garments manufactured for the University are made under humane working conditions in compliance with standards set by the International Labour Organization (ILO). This report is the summation of a project proposed by OPIRG Peterborough, through the TCCBE, to build continuity and cohesion in the application of the policy at Trent University.
Invasion of the round goby (negobius melanostomus) in Great Lake tributaries
Invasive species are a continuing issue for Ontario, in both terrestrial and aquatic environments. The round goby is an example of this. This study focuses on the distribution of round gobies within Great Lake tributaries and the impact of barriers.
Supermarket tour: health chapter
This report includes: the health effects and political issues around "bottled water" ; profiles of various food additives in our food; environmental and health impacts: packaging and distribution of food; other signs of sickness in our food system.
Local food sourcing
This project is a pamphlet (A Food Sourcing Ethnography for ... the Seasoned Spoon cafe), which describes the Seasoned Spoon, and discusses the products available at this cafe.
Market Hall audience survey - Peterborough, Ontario: October 2007 - April 2008
This study focused on various aspects of attending a performance, from advertising and purchasing a ticket to the comfort level and service offered at the facility. This study was also used to gain insight into audience views on programming and future facility renovations.