Year: 2014, 2014
Member of: Trent University Graduate Thesis Collection
Abstract: <p>Effective population size (Ne) is a key concept in population genetics, evolutionary biology and conservation biology that describes an important facet of genetic diversity and the capacity of populations to respond to future evolutionary pressures. The importance of Ne in management and conservation of wild populations encouraged the development of numerous genetic estimators which rely… more
Year: 2014, 2014
Member of: Trent University Graduate Thesis Collection
Name(s): Creator (cre): Cook, Philip, Thesis advisor (ths): Fitzsimons, Rodney D, Degree committee member (dgc): Ianonne, Gyles, Degree committee member (dgc): Lohmann, Roger, Degree committee member (dgc): Devolder, Maud, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University Abstract: <p>This thesis examines the mobilization of labour required for fortification construction during the Late Helladic (LH) period of the Aegean Bronze Age. It adopts an "energetics" approach to architecture, as a framework for systematically calculating the labour costs of construction, and using such costs to infer relative differences in political power among groups and… more
Year: 2014, 2014
Member of: Trent University Graduate Thesis Collection
Abstract: <p>Introduced as part of the Canada-Ontario Immigration Agreement, Local Immigration Partnerships (LIPs) mark a fundamental shift in local settlement policy. To address the gap in knowledge about the implications of this policy change, this thesis research features a case study of Durham Region's LIP. Objectives were designed to examine the impact of Durham's LIP by interviewing… more
Year: 2014, 2014
Member of: Trent University Graduate Thesis Collection
Abstract: <p>This thesis was designed to quantify absorbance and fluorescence characteristics of dissolved organic matter (DOM) in North Atlantic, Pacific and Arctic Oceans. DOM was described in water masses of distinct sources and formation pathways as well as in regions where environmental forcings such as deep water upwelling, enhanced biological activity and receipt of freshwater discharge were… more
Year: 2014, 2014
Member of: Trent University Graduate Thesis Collection
Name(s): Creator (cre): Bennett, Amanda Maria, Thesis advisor (ths): Murray, Dennis L, Degree committee member (dgc): Burness, Gary, Degree committee member (dgc): Kerr, Leslie, Degree committee member (dgc): Ridgway, Mark, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University Abstract: <p>Inducible defenses are plastic responses by an organism to the perception of predation risk. This dissertation focuses on three experiments designed to test the hypothesis that plastic ability is limited by energetic constraints. Chapter 1 provides a general introduction to phenotypic plasticity research and the theoretical costs and limitations affecting the expression of plastic traits… more
Year: 2014, 2014
Member of: Trent University Graduate Thesis Collection
Name(s): Creator (cre): Boileau, Arianne, Thesis advisor (ths): Morin, Eugene, Degree committee member (dgc): Healy, Paul F, Degree committee member (dgc): Powis, Terry G, Degree committee member (dgc): Freiwald, Carolyn, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University Abstract: <p>This study examines the foraging strategies of animal resource exploitation during the Middle Preclassic period (900-300 BC) at the ancient Maya site of Pacbitun, Belize. The faunal remains analyzed in this study were recovered from various domestic structures associated with the production of shell artifacts. Detailed taphonomic analyses have revealed that the Pacbitun faunal remains… more
Year: 2014, 2014
Member of: Trent University Graduate Thesis Collection
Abstract: <p>The dissertation explores and defends the theory and practice of a Western-Islamic public sphere (which is secular but not secularist and which is Islamic but not Islamist), within which a critical Islamic intellectual universe can unfold, dealing hermeneutically with texts and politically with lived practices, and which, moreover, has to emerge from within the arc of two alternative,… more
Year: 2014, 2014
Member of: Trent University Graduate Thesis Collection
Abstract: <p>This dissertation traces the concept of transcendentalism from Kant's Critique of Pure Reason (1781) to Michel Foucault's historical a priori and Pierre Bourdieu's field and habitus, with implicit reference to Deleuze's `transcendental empiricism,' and the influence this trajectory has had on contemporary theory and culture. This general conceptual framework is… more
Year: 2014, 2014
Member of: Trent University Graduate Thesis Collection
Name(s): Creator (cre): Onusko, James, Thesis advisor (ths): Sangster, Joan, Degree committee member (dgc): Marshall, Dominique, Degree committee member (dgc): Steffler, Margaret, Degree committee member (dgc): Walden, Keith, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University Abstract: <p>Growing Up in Postwar Suburbia: Childhood, Children and Adolescents in Canada, 1950-1970</p><p>This dissertation explores the intersections between the suburban landscape both `real' and imagined, childhood, children and adolescents. I contend that there was a richness and diversity in the experiences of children and adolescents in postwar Canada that resists simplistic… more
Year: 2014, 2014
Member of: Trent University Graduate Thesis Collection
Abstract: <p>Since their successful reintroduction, the eastern wild turkey <italic>(Meleagris gallopavo silvestris)</italic> has expanded its range north. Due to different and potentially more severe limiting factors, management approaches generalized from studies within the historical range may not be appropriate to apply to northern populations. To better understand northern wild… more
Year: 2014, 2014
Member of: Trent University Graduate Thesis Collection
Abstract: <p>In this study, we attempt to enhance current knowledge of ecological responses to riverine alterations from waterpower by using a bottom-up food up approach. A series of extensive and intensive study components were performed across northern Ontario, Canada, where biological (nutrients, dissolved organic matter (DOM) and periphyton) and physical (water level and thermal regimes)… more
Year: 2014, 2014
Member of: Trent University Graduate Thesis Collection
Abstract: <p>This study demonstrates that the New Brunswick government rationalized the 2011 elimination of the New Brunswick Advisory Council on the Status of Women (NBACSW) by discursively framing it as a duplication of services and as a non-essential service. The study relies on interviews with women who had been involved with the NBACSW, as well as literature about the use of neoliberal and anti-… more
Year: 2014, 2014
Member of: Trent University Graduate Thesis Collection
Abstract: <p>I used a GIS raster layer of an area in the Churchill, Manitoba region to investigate the effect of breeding habitat on demography and density of Whimbrel from 2010 through 2013. Program MARK was used to quantify adult and daily nest survival. Apparent annual survival of 0.73 ± 0.06 SE (95% CI = 0.60-0.83) did not significantly differ between sexes or habitats and was lower than expected… more
Year: 2014, 2014
Member of: Trent University Graduate Thesis Collection
Abstract: <p>In this study, I investigate the effects of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) on the nutritional stoichiometry and growth of filamentous green algae of the family Zygnemataceae in situ and ex situ. I found a mean of Carbon (C):N:P ratio of 1308:66:1 for populations growing in the Kawartha Lakes of southern Ontario during the summer of 2012. FGA stoichiometry was variable, with much of the… more
Year: 2014, 2014
Member of: Trent University Graduate Thesis Collection
Abstract: <p>Abstract</p><p>Early Responses of Understory Vegetation After One Year of Above Canopy Nitrogen Additions in a Jack Pine Stand in Northern Alberta</p><p>Nicole Melong</p><p>Nitrogen (N) emissions are expected to increase in western Canada due to oil and gas extraction operations. An increase in N exposure could potentially impact the surrounding boreal… more
Year: 2014, 2014
Member of: Trent University Graduate Thesis Collection
Name(s): Creator (cre): Perks, Ryan, Thesis advisor (ths): Cazorla-Sanchez, Antonio, Degree committee member (dgc): Kay, Carolyn, Degree committee member (dgc): Andriewsky, Olga, Degree committee member (dgc): Irvine, William D, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University Abstract: <p>Utilizing pre-existing scholarship on post-conflict reconstruction in twentieth-century Europe, as well as a variety of French primary sources, this thesis explores the concept of national-moral reconstruction as utilized by French political leaders in the wake of their country's defeat by Nazi Germany in June 1940. In particular, this study analyzes the competing discourses… more
Year: 2014, 2014
Member of: Trent University Graduate Thesis Collection
Abstract: <p>The damage to Sudbury's landscape from over a century of smelter and logging activity has been severe and impacts well documented. However, despite their abundance in the region, wetlands have received little attention. Recent studies have identified that nutrient limitation is as much a problem as metal toxicity and highlighted not only the importance of wetlands but also the need… more
Year: 2014, 2014
Member of: Trent University Graduate Thesis Collection
Name(s): Creator (cre): Morrison, Emily Marie, Thesis advisor (ths): Zohar, Asaf, Thesis advisor (ths): NARINE, SURESH S, Degree committee member (dgc): Phillips, Thomas F, Degree committee member (dgc): Mitchell, Andy, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University Abstract: <p>Biomaterial technology and utilizing bioproducts can contribute to Canada's economic growth while moving towards sustainable development. Canadian bioproducts are commonly developed within universities but Canada's record of transferring university technology to market has been less than optimal. In an attempt to offer new ideas for improvement, qualitative data analysis from… more
Year: 2014, 2014
Member of: Trent University Graduate Thesis Collection
Name(s): Creator (cre): McInnes, Mark Andrew, Thesis advisor (ths): Ellis, David A, Degree committee member (dgc): Thompson, Matthew, Degree committee member (dgc): Gueguen, Celine, Degree committee member (dgc): Stock, Naomi, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University Abstract: <p>Perfluorinated carboxylic acids (PFCAs) are anthropogenic environmentally ubiquitous surfactants that tend to concentrate on water surfaces. This investigation looked at the effect of simulated rain on the atmospheric concentration of a suite of PFCAs (C2 - C12) above the bulk water system. Increased air concentrations of all PFCAs were detected during simulated rain events. Long chain… more
Year: 2014, 2014
Member of: Trent University Graduate Thesis Collection
Abstract: <p>Addiction can lead to a plethora of health, social and economical problems. Substances are used for mood regulation, and therefore, waking day mood is extremely important during recovery of alcohol and drug addiction. The current study examined the effects of Meditation and Sleep Mentation Therapy on mood levels. All participants were male, and currently in treatment programs or early… more