Trent University Graduate Thesis Collection

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    1 item
    Copyright for all items in the Trent University Graduate Thesis Collection is held by the author, with all rights reserved, unless otherwise noted.
    Displaying 661 - 680 of 1065

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    Displaying 661 - 680 of 1065

    Predicting the Pursuit of Post-Secondary Education: Role of Trait Emotional Intelligence in a Longitudinal Study

    Year: 2017, 2017
    Member of: Trent University Graduate Thesis Collection
    Name(s): Creator (cre): Dave, Hiten, Thesis advisor (ths): Parker, James D. A., Degree committee member (dgc): Keefer, Kateryna V., Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University
    Abstract: <p>Trait Emotional Intelligence (EI) includes competencies and dispositions related to identifying, understanding, using and managing emotions. Higher trait EI has been implicated in post-secondary success, and better career-related decision-making. However, there is no evidence for whether it predicts the pursuit of post-secondary education (PSE) in emerging adulthood. This study… more

    Fostering sustainable development through cross-sector collaboration in university innovation initiatives: A Case Study of the Trent Research & Innovation Park

    Year: 2017, 2017
    Member of: Trent University Graduate Thesis Collection
    Name(s): Creator (cre): Campos Navarrete, Marisol, Thesis advisor (ths): Zohar, Asaf, Degree committee member (dgc): Newhouse, David R, Degree committee member (dgc): Knight, John, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University
    Abstract: <p>This research explores cross-sector collaboration in universities' innovation initiatives. To understand the current roles of the higher education sector and the influences shaping innovation initiatives through cross-sector collaborative projects, this study is focused on a case study of the Trent University Research & Innovation Park (TRIP) project. The following three central… more

    Island Syndrome and Stress Physiology of Mice in the Genus Peromyscus

    Year: 2017, 2017
    Member of: Trent University Graduate Thesis Collection
    Name(s): Creator (cre): Stewart, Nathan, Thesis advisor (ths): Burness, Gary, Degree committee member (dgc): Bowman, Jeff, Degree committee member (dgc): Schaefer, James, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University
    Abstract: <p>Biological differences between island and mainland conspecifics have been well studied, but few studies have addressed differences in stress physiology. Stressors, such as predation and competition for resources, cause the release of glucocorticoids (GCs). Characteristics of island wildlife, called "island syndrome", are attributed to low levels of predators and competitors. I… more

    Are We All on the Spectrum? Assessing Autistic Traits in the HEXACO Personality Framework

    Year: 2017, 2017
    Member of: Trent University Graduate Thesis Collection
    Name(s): Creator (cre): Stiner, Emily Robyn, Thesis advisor (ths): Bauer, Ben, Thesis advisor (ths): Visser, Beth, Degree committee member (dgc): Smith-Chant, Brenda, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University
    Abstract: <p>Autistic traits are characterized by difficulties with socialization, preference for order, and rigid and repetitive behaviour patterns. This study evaluated the psychometric properties of two measures of autistic traits, the Autism-Spectrum Quotient (AQ) and the Sub-threshold Autistic Trait Questionnaire (SATQ), and their associations with the HEXACO personality framework. The… more

    Exploring reproduction in wild blue lupine (Lupinus perennis) in comparison to L. polyphyllus and L. albus

    Year: 2017, 2017
    Member of: Trent University Graduate Thesis Collection
    Name(s): Creator (cre): Francis, Heathyr E., Thesis advisor (ths): Emery, Neil R.J., Degree committee member (dgc): Sager, Eric, Degree committee member (dgc): Dorkin, Marcel, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University
    Abstract: <p>Wild lupine (Lupinus perennis) restoration efforts seek to increase and connect populations, using seeds, to facilitate the recovery of endangered butterflys in Ontario. This study observed plant growth and phytohormone levels of L. albus, L. polyphyllus, and L. perennis through stages of seed development, each with varying strategies in growth and reproductive investment. L. polyphyllus… more

    Emotional Intelligence and Bullying Victimization: An Exploration of Gender, Age, and Sub-Types of Bullying Activities

    Year: 2017, 2017
    Member of: Trent University Graduate Thesis Collection
    Name(s): Creator (cre): Ha, Alexandra, Thesis advisor (ths): Parker, James D.A., Degree committee member (dgc): Summerfeldt, Laura J., Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University
    Abstract: <p>Previous research has found that bullying and victimization is related to poor socioemotional competencies. The present study examined the relationship between emotional intelligence (EI) and bullying and victimization in a large community-based sample of adolescents. Specifically, we explored the EI of bullies, victims, bully-victims, and those uninvolved. We also examined whether the… more

    Asserting sexual (dis)interest: How do women's capabilities differ?

    Year: 2017, 2017
    Member of: Trent University Graduate Thesis Collection
    Name(s): Creator (cre): Bouchard, Laura Eileen, Thesis advisor (ths): Humphreys, Terry P, Degree committee member (dgc): Kennett, Deborah J, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University
    Abstract: <p>Sexual assertiveness encompasses skills in refusing unwanted sexual situations and bringing about wanted sexual situations. Measures of sexual assertiveness typically assess both refusal and initiation aspects, yet there is a dearth of research examining these skills in relation to one another. The present study examined the relationship between these skillsets in women, exploring… more

    The effects of in-stream woody debris from selective timber harvest on nutrient pools and dynamics within Precambrian Shield streams

    Year: 2017, 2017
    Member of: Trent University Graduate Thesis Collection
    Name(s): Creator (cre): Jamieson, Tyler Jacob Ross, Thesis advisor (ths): Watmough, Shaun, Thesis advisor (ths): Eimers, Catherine, Degree committee member (dgc): Sager, Eric, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University
    Abstract: <p>Timber harvest can influence the rate of transfer of organic matter from the terrestrial catchment to streams, which may have both direct and indirect effects on in-stream nutrient pools and dynamics. In the interest of developing sustainable forestry practices, the continued study of the effects of forestry on nutrient dynamics in aquatic systems is paramount, particularly in sensitive… more

    How Do We Let the Players Play and Keep Them Safe? The Issue of Problematic Beliefs in the Prevention of Concussion Injury

    Year: 2017, 2017
    Member of: Trent University Graduate Thesis Collection
    Name(s): Creator (cre): Jorgensen, Michael, Thesis advisor (ths): O'Hagan, Fergal, Degree committee member (dgc): Lehmann, Hugo, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University
    Abstract: <p>Athletes' concussion risk is part of a complex system of personal and contextual factors. This study differentiated athletes based on attitudes and intentions towards protective behaviours. A cross-sectional survey design was used to sample varsity athletes. Three intention response subgroups (indifferent, reactive, and proactive) were identified. The indifferent group (28%)… more

    Investigation of fugitive dust emissions from nepheline syenite mine tailings near Nephton, Ontario

    Year: 2017, 2017
    Member of: Trent University Graduate Thesis Collection
    Name(s): Creator (cre): Ogungbemide, Damilare Immanuel, Thesis advisor (ths): McKenna Neuman, Cheryl, Degree committee member (dgc): Lafleur, Peter, Degree committee member (dgc): Buttle, Jim, Degree committee member (dgc): Hill, Stephen, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University
    Abstract: <p>A set of experiments was designed to investigate the factors—atmospheric and surficial—controlling fugitive dust emissions from the tailings ponds of UNIMIN Canada, a mining company that extracts and produces nepheline syenite (feldspar) at two adjacent sites (Nephton and Blue Mountain) located north of Havelock, Ontario. Using wind tunnel measurements, the combined influence of relative… more

    Detection of four at-risk freshwater pearly mussel species (Bivalvia: Unionoida: Unionidae) from environmental DNA (eDNA)

    Year: 2017, 2017
    Member of: Trent University Graduate Thesis Collection
    Name(s): Creator (cre): Currier, Charise A., Thesis advisor (ths): Freeland, Joanna, Thesis advisor (ths): Wilson, Chris C, Degree committee member (dgc): Morris, Todd J, Degree committee member (dgc): Schaefer, James A, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University
    Abstract: <p>Environmental DNA (eDNA) detection uses species-specific markers to screen DNA from bulk samples, such as water, to infer species presence. This study involved the development and testing of species-specific markers for four freshwater pearly mussels (Unionidae). The markers were applied to water samples from intensively sampled mussel monitoring sites to compare species detections from… more

    Chemical characterization of dissolved organic matter in relation with hydrography in the Arctic Ocean

    Year: 2017, 2017
    Member of: Trent University Graduate Thesis Collection
    Name(s): Creator (cre): Gao, Zhiyuan, Thesis advisor (ths): Gueguen, Celine, Degree committee member (dgc): Ellis, David, Degree committee member (dgc): Lafleur, Peter, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University
    Abstract: <p>In this thesis, water mass distribution of dissolved organic matter (DOM) characteristics (i.e. molecular weight, fluorescent components, thiols and humic substances concentration) was observed in the Arctic Ocean. For the first time, DOM molecular weight (MW) in Beaufort Sea was assessed using asymmetrical flow field-flow fractionation, as well as the first monitoring of thiols and… more

    Investigating wheat rust virulence evolution through transcriptome analysis of a recently emerged race of Puccinia triticina

    Year: 2017, 2017
    Member of: Trent University Graduate Thesis Collection
    Name(s): Creator (cre): Marsh, Kayla Margaret, Thesis advisor (ths): Saville, Barry J, Degree committee member (dgc): Kyle, Christopher, Degree committee member (dgc): Dorken, Marcel, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University
    Abstract: <p>Puccinia triticina, wheat leaf rust (WLR), is the most economically damaging fungal rust of wheat on a global scale. This study identified transcriptome changes in a recently emerged race of WLR in Ontario with a new virulence type relative to a possible ancestor race. Also, this study focused on detecting variation in candidate virulence genes and uncovering novel insight into WLR… more

    Growth and Revitalization in Peterborough ON: Myth or Reality?

    Year: 2017, 2017
    Member of: Trent University Graduate Thesis Collection
    Name(s): Creator (cre): Brillinger, Kaitlin, Thesis advisor (ths): Nichol, Heather, Degree committee member (dgc): Picton, Roger, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University
    Abstract: <p>The Places to Grow Act (2005) and the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe (2006) are two pieces of legislature passed by the Government of Ontario to help govern and limit urban sprawl in major cities across Ontario through to 2041. These policies are framed around the development and maintenance of large-scale cities. While there are some provisions within these policies for… more

    'Land Displacement and Coping Strategies': A Social History of the Marange People, Eastern Zimbabwe, 1960s-2015

    Year: 2017, 2017
    Member of: Trent University Graduate Thesis Collection
    Name(s): Creator (cre): Ruguwa, Mathew, Thesis advisor (ths): Stapleton, Timothy, Degree committee member (dgc): Sheinin, David, Degree committee member (dgc): Marshall, Van Nguyen, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University
    Abstract: <p>This thesis explores the social history of the Marange people of eastern Zimbabwe from the 1960s to 2015. It uses historical episodes like the recurring droughts, the 1970s war of independence, the 'crisis in Zimbabwe,' that has been traced from the late - 1990s, and the diamond mining story to demonstrate how the inhabitants interacted with their environment. It argues that… more

    A silicon sol-gel approach to the development of forensic blood substitutes: design considerations for research and training

    Year: 2017, 2017
    Member of: Trent University Graduate Thesis Collection
    Name(s): Creator (cre): Stotesbury, Theresa E., Thesis advisor (ths): Wilson, Paul, Thesis advisor (ths): Vreugdenhil, Andrew, Degree committee member (dgc): Illes, Mike, Degree committee member (dgc): Easton, Brad, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University
    Abstract: <p>The research and development of synthetic blood substitutes is a reported need within the forensic community. This work contributes to the growing body of knowledge in bloodstain pattern analysis by offering a materials science approach to designing, producing and testing synthetic forensic blood substitutes. A key deliverable from this research is the creation of a robust silicon-based… more

    The Disability-Mitigating Effects of Education on Post-Injury Employment Dynamics

    Year: 2017, 2017
    Member of: Trent University Graduate Thesis Collection
    Name(s): Creator (cre): Baraka, Hadeel, Thesis advisor (ths): Cater, Bruce, Thesis advisor (ths): Pollanen, Marco, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University
    Abstract: <p>Using data drawn from the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board's (WSIB) Survey of Workers with Permanent Impairments, this thesis explores if and how the human capital associated with education mitigates the realized work-disabling effects of permanent physical injury. Using Cater's (2000) model of post-injury adaptive behaviour and employment dynamics as the structural,… more

    The relationship of policy aims and implementation: Ontario coordinated care planning for people with mental health and addictions issues

    Year: 2017, 2017
    Member of: Trent University Graduate Thesis Collection
    Name(s): Creator (cre): Tallon, Matt, Thesis advisor (ths): Ballantyne, Peri, Degree committee member (dgc): Changfoot, Nadine, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University
    Abstract: <p>Background: Ontario's Ministry of Health and Long Term Care (MOHLTC) claims people with mental illnesses/addictions need improved care/overuse emergency departments. MOHLTC expects Coordinated Care Planning (CCP, teams of mental/physical health professionals, social workers and informal caregivers) to improve care and lower emergency department returns/healthcare costs. CCPs are… more

    Agriculture as Niche Construction: Eco-Cultural Niche Evolution During the Neolithic (c. 6200 - 4900 BC) of the Struma River Valley

    Year: 2017, 2017
    Member of: Trent University Graduate Thesis Collection
    Name(s): Creator (cre): Whitford, Brent Robbie, Thesis advisor (ths): Conolly, James, Degree committee member (dgc): Dubreuil, Laure, Degree committee member (dgc): Fitzsimons, Rodney, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University
    Abstract: <p>The Neolithic Period (c. 6200 – 4900 BC) in the Struma River Valley led to numerous episodes of cultural diversification. When compared with the neighbouring regions, the ecological characteristics of the Struma River Valley are particularly heterogeneous and the Neolithic populations must have adapted to this distinctive and localized ecological setting. It then becomes reasonable to… more

    Stress Axis Function and Regulation in New World Flying Squirrels: An Assessment of Acute Stress Response, Negative Feedback, and the Role of Corticosteroid-binding Globulin

    Year: 2017, 2017
    Member of: Trent University Graduate Thesis Collection
    Name(s): Creator (cre): Desantis, Lanna Marie, Thesis advisor (ths): Bowman, Jeff, Thesis advisor (ths): Burness, Gary, Degree committee member (dgc): Rafferty, Steven, Degree committee member (dgc): Wilson, Paul, Degree committee member (dgc): Boonstra, Rudy, Degree committee member (dgc): Vijayan, Mathilakath M, Degree granting institution (dgg): Trent University
    Abstract: <p>Across vertebrate taxa, the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis (or the stress axis) is highly conserved, and is central to vertebrate survival because it allows appropriate responses to psychological stressors. Habitat shapes successful physiological and ecological strategies, and to appreciate how individual species respond to stressors in their environment, it is essential to have a… more