Trent Voices

A long-form interview show, Trent Voices shines the spotlight on talented alumni. From household names to people working behind the scenes - all guests helped to shape the world in their own unique ways. The show started in April 2015, with all episodes first airing on Trent Radio, 92.7 FM.
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Trent Voices Episode 27: Stewart Wheeler

Year: 2016
Member of: Trent Voices
Name(s): Interviewer (ivr): Fraser, Donald, Interviewee (ive): Wheeler, Stewart, Broadcaster (brd): Trent University Alumni Association
Abstract: <p>Our interview with Canada&#039;s Ambassador to Iceland, Stewart Wheeler, takes us on a journey from Trent to Bogotá to Afghanistan to Iceland and speaks to the ability to evolve, learn, and communicate.\n\nStewart began his career in the public service in 1993, working in the Public Information Office at the House of Commons. In 1994, he joined External Affairs and International… more

Trent Voices: Athena Reich Subverts Lady Gaga

Year: 2016
Member of: Trent Voices
Name(s): Interviewer (ivr): Fraser, Donald, Interviewee (ive): Reich, Athena, Broadcaster (brd): Trent University Alumni Association (Creator)
Abstract: <p>Chatelaine Magazine recently named Athena Reich the &quot;World&#039;s Top Lady Gaga Impersonator.&quot; But to label her an impersonator would tell only a fraction of the story. Reich, a talented artist in her own right, subverts Gaga with her own unique brand of feminist and queer music and drama – going so far as to incorporate her own pregnancy into a show called #… more

Trent Voices Episode 26: Bill Kimball

Year: 2016
Member of: Trent Voices
Name(s): Interviewer (ivr): Fraser, Donald, Interviewee (ive): Kimball, Bill, Broadcaster (brd): Trent University Alumni Association
Abstract: <p>Since graduating from Trent University in 1980 with a degree in Cultural Studies, Bill Kimball has been involved in many aspects of the Peterborough arts community, particularly in the areas of contemporary dance and theatre. He has contributed to the creation of live performance spaces in Peterborough, beginning with City Stage, a performance space operated by Artspace in the early… more

Trent Voices Episode 28: Jack Roe

Year: 2016
Member of: Trent Voices
Name(s): Interviewer (ivr): Fraser, Donald, Interviewee (ive): Roe, Jack, Broadcaster (brd): Trent University Alumni Association
Abstract: <p>Jack Roe has been an on air presence for CBC Radio, 680 NEWS, CKPT (now Energy 99.7) and (back in 1973-5) Trent Radio, where this interview took place. The conversation ranges across his 40+ year career in radio and captures memories from the magical to the manic: from interviews with Chris Hadfield to interviews with a guy who traveled North America blowing himself up at county fairs,… more

Trent Voices: Leah McLaren: Literary Series Part 1

Year: 2016
Member of: Trent Voices
Name(s): Interviewer (ivr): Fraser, Donald, Interviewee (ive): McLaren, Leah, Broadcaster (brd): Trent University Alumni Association
Abstract: <p>We are extremely excited to stream our summer #TrentVoices Literary Series. The impressive alumni lineup, which includes a who&#039;s who of Canadian authors, is perfect listening for the dog days of summer. Tune in from your dock, deck, patio, or summer sanctuary.\n\nWe hope that you&#039;re as excited as we are.\n\nThis Week:\n\nLeah McLaren:\n\nFrom the Globe and Mail: &… more

Trent Voices: Mark Quattrocchi '08 Cycles Around the World for Charity

Year: 2016
Member of: Trent Voices
Name(s): Interviewer (ivr): Fraser, Donald, Interviewee (ive): Quattrocchi, Mark, Broadcaster (brd): Trent University Alumni Association
Abstract: <p>On July 7th, 2014, Trent alumnus Mark Quattrocchi &#039;08 departed on a two-year cycling journey around the globe, travelling across 40 countries, 5 continents, and 35,000km, all while raising money for Free the Children&#039;s Adopt-A-Village program. The impressive trip has raised over $48,000 in support of education in underprivileged communities around the world.\n\… more

Trent Voices Episode 34: Jim Maxwell

Year: 2016
Member of: Trent Voices
Name(s): Interviewer (ivr): Fraser, Donald, Interviewee (ive): Maxwell, Jim, Broadcaster (brd): Trent University Alumni Association
Abstract: <p>Jim Maxwell has been making waves in the field of Hollywood matte painting – the painted background that allows filmmakers to create the illusion of an environment that is nonexistent in real life or would otherwise be too expensive or impossible to build or visit. And he has made some very prominent ones in his career: from recreating the Vatican in The Borgias to sweeping panoramas of… more

Trent Voices Episode 32: Yuwa Hedrick-Wong

Year: 2016
Member of: Trent Voices
Name(s): Interviewer (ivr): Fraser, Donald, Interviewee (ive): Hedrick-Wong, Yuwa, Broadcaster (brd): Trent University Alumni Association
Abstract: <p>Yuwa Hedrick-Wong is the Chief Economist and Chair of the Academic Advisory Council at MasterCard Center for Inclusive Growth – a group that just might make you doubt what you think you know about multinational financial organizations. He&#039;s also the Global Economic Advisor for MasterCard Worldwide. Prior to his global role, he was Economic Advisor to MasterCard in Asia/Pacific… more

Trent Voices Episode 31: Andressa Lacerda

Year: 2016
Member of: Trent Voices
Name(s): Interviewer (ivr): Fraser, Donald, Interviewee (ive): Lacerda, Andressa, Broadcaster (brd): Trent University Alumni Association
Abstract: <p>2015 Ph.D. grad Andressa Lacerda is in mid-career stride, despite being only 26. She&#039;s a founding partner and the CFO in Noble Inc., a company that will manufacture and distribute filtration systems to remove nanosilvers from wastewater as well as introduce pharmaceuticals that will cure cancer and diseases that are caused by virus&#039;. Her partner in this is Adam Noble… more

Trent Voices Episode 07: Stephen Stohn

Year: 2015
Member of: Trent Voices
Name(s): Interviewer (ivr): Fraser, Donald, Interviewee (ive): Stohn, Stephen, Broadcaster (brd): Trent University Alumni Association
Abstract: <p>Stephen Stohn is an 11 time Gemini Award winner and executive producer of Degrassi: The Next Generation ~ as well as a nearly 20-year executive producer of The Juno Awards. He&#039;s also one of Canada&#039;s most respected entertainment lawyers.\n\nWe discuss his career, but also roll back the clock and talk about his involvement in launching both Arthur Newspaper and Trent… more

Trent Voices Episode 05: Dan Fewings

Year: 2015
Member of: Trent Voices
Name(s): Interviewer (ivr): Fraser, Donald, Interviewee (ive): Fewings, Dan, Broadcaster (brd): Trent University Alumni Association,Wilton, Christopher
Abstract: <p>Dan Fewings treats us to a couple of tunes and talks about the legendary Acoustic Potluck, the current Trent/Peterborough music scene, clowning around and more.\n\nAlso: Christopher Wilton on how he went from a cultural studies student to a sommelier and wine instructor. PLUS he hooks us up with some summer sips.,Original location: <a href="… more

Trent Voice Episode 02: Dave Tough and Kemi Akapo

Year: 2015
Member of: Trent Voices
Name(s): Interviewer (ivr): Fraser, Donald, Interviewee (ive): Tough, Dave, Interviewee (ive): Akapo, Kemi, Broadcaster (brd): Trent University Alumni Association
Abstract: <p>Featuring music and talk with longtime Trent/Peterborough music scene luminary, Dave Tough; and Kemi Akapo on her role as delegate to the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women. Plus news and events and more.,Original location: <a href="… more

Trent Voices Episode 23: Michael Eamon

Year: 2015
Member of: Trent Voices
Name(s): Interviewer (ivr): Fraser, Donald, Interviewee (ive): Eamon, Michael, Broadcaster (brd): Trent University Alumni Association
Abstract: <p>Catharine Parr Traill Principal, Michael Eamon, comes in to talk all things Traill: Its early history as a women&#039;s only college, its role as community hub, ghosts (or not ghosts), and its Hufflepuffness.,Original location: <a href="">… more

Trent Voices Episode 25: Alan Martin

Year: 2015
Member of: Trent Voices
Name(s): Interviewer (ivr): Fraser, Donald, Interviewee (ive): Martin, Alan, Broadcaster (brd): Trent University Alumni Association
Abstract: <p>Alan Martin is the Director of Research for Partnership Africa Canada (PAC) ~ an organization best known for their Nobel Peace Prize-nominated work to halt the trade in conflict diamonds from Africa.\n\nPrior to joining PAC, Alan worked as a researcher to the late Jack Layton. Before that he spent over a decade working as a journalist in Canada, the UK and various countries in sub-… more

Trent Voices Episode 09: Su Ditta

Year: 2015
Member of: Trent Voices
Name(s): Interviewer (ivr): Fraser, Donald, Interviewee (ive): Ditta, Su, Broadcaster (brd): Trent University Alumni Association
Abstract: <p>Su Ditta is best known for her work as Associate Curator, Media Arts in the Contemporary Art Department at the National Gallery of Canada and as Head of the Media Arts Section of the Canada Council for the Arts. She has also held posts as Adjunct Curator: Media Arts at the Oakville Galleries and with the Canada Council for the Arts, managing the Media, Visual and Interarts component of… more

Trent Voices Episode 04: Neil Morton: [excerpt]

Year: 2015
Member of: Trent Voices
Name(s): Interviewer (ivr): Fraser, Donald, Interviewee (ive): Morton, Neil, Broadcaster (brd): Trent University Alumni Association
Abstract: <p>An excerpt from #TrentVoices:\n\nAlumnus Neil Morton talks about the success of @ptbo_canada, what it takes to become &quot;Peterborough viral,&quot; and trends in social media. \n\nOh, and about plaid.\n\n&quot;PtboCanada is a locally owned/operated social news &amp; entertainment company about everything Peterborough, about this city we love. Established in May 2010, we… more

Trent Voices Episode 03: Jill Bishop: [excerpt]

Year: 2015
Member of: Trent Voices
Name(s): Interviewer (ivr): Fraser, Donald, Interviewee (ive): Bishop, Jill, Broadcaster (brd): Trent University Alumni Association
Abstract: <p>An excerpt from #TrentVoices:\n\nAn interview with Jill Bishop. An Indigenous Studies/Environmental Studies alum, Jill owns and operates Urban Tomato (a heritage seed/seedling business), manages the Peterborough Downtown Farmers&#039; Market, coordinates the Peterborough Community Garden Network, and is founder of Seedy Sunday – the areas largest seed sale/exchange.\n\nWe talk all… more

Trent Voices Episode 17: Iam Tamblyn: Part 2

Year: 2015
Member of: Trent Voices
Name(s): Interviewer (ivr): Fraser, Donald, Interviewee (ive): Tamblyn, Ian, Broadcaster (brd): Trent University Alumni Association
Abstract: <p>Part 2 of 2 with Trent alumnus, Ian Tamblyn, has recorded 38 albums, written 13 plays, and been honoured as a Fellow of the Royal Canadian Geographic. He&#039;s also a wonderful conversationalist and storyteller. We caught up with Ian while he was in town playing a show at Folk Under the Clock. This is part one of the interview with a true Canadian Treasure. Look for Part 1 in our… more

Trent Voice Episode 01: Sara Ostrowska and Brianna Salmon

Year: 2015
Member of: Trent Voices
Name(s): Interviewer (ivr): Fraser, Donald, Interviewee (ive): Ostrowska, Sara, Interviewee (ive): Salmon, Brianna, Broadcaster (brd): Trent University Alumni Association
Abstract: <p>Our first ever Trent Radio show!\n\nFeaturing music and talk from Sara Ostrowska, lead singer of alumni band, Television Road; and a discussion on transportation issues with GreenUp Transportation and Urban Design Program Manager, Brianna Salmon, whose thesis centred on sustainable transportation.,Original location: <a href="… more

Trent Voices Episode 16: Ian Tamblyn: Part 1

Year: 2015
Member of: Trent Voices
Name(s): Interviewer (ivr): Fraser, Donald, Interviewee (ive): Tamblyn, Ian, Broadcaster (brd): Trent University Alumni Association
Abstract: <p>Trent alumnus, Ian Tamblyn, has recorded 38 albums, written 13 plays, and been honoured as a Fellow of the Royal Canadian Geographic. He&#039;s also a wonderful conversationalist and storyteller. We caught up with Ian while he was in town playing a show at Folk Under the Clock. This is part one of the interview with a true Canadian Treasure. Look for part two next week.,Original… more